Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Social Justice, Catholic Activism and our Supreme Court

Remember that there is nothing socialist in nature about free healthcare (Jesus was socialist in nature) and Hitler and Stalin persecuted gay people, executing ones in unofficial gay marriages, radical Islamic extremists do the same.

 Our Supreme Court is an extension of our Constitution and the rulings represent social experimentation turning into social progress and social justice (I say this as a Historian).
 Remember: President Obama did volunteer work for the RCC in Chicago for 12 Parishes during the 80's, his roots are Catholic activist in nature and represent social justice like Pope Francis.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Charleston Shooter a Confederate Sympathizer

“The Charleston shooter simply put into practice what many white Americans – in McKinney and elsewhere – already believe. He’s a confederate sympathizer in a state that still flies the Confederate flag. How is this surprising at all?" Via azspot.net