Saturday, March 17, 2012

My thoughts on The Upper Middle Class and Republicans

And why I think a Minority would make a good president:

The Middle Class and Upper Middle Class majority do not spend most of their lives amongst what constitutes most of America in city's, inner city's and even suburbs with lower middle class to poverty line and below people. Minority's such as Blacks, Hispanics, Arabs and Jews as well as some Whites and even those of Mixed Race may actually do a better job of leading America and making decisions in the best interest of the American people rather then trying to please corporations, lobbyists and other privileged (White) people in politics and congress. Those who are minority's most likely know what the main causes of poverty are (hint: it's not laziness) and what programs are needed to help people who are not privileged make a better life for themselves.

Minority's work harder then most people and some may make less then others
for doing the same job. I suspect they also have to work harder if they attend
college and study harder as well. The ones I know in real life have much empathy
and compassion for others and show understanding I think many on the right lack
that come from privileged backgrounds and family's.

(It occurred to me that Republicans want lower taxes so they can keep more money
for themselves while donating less to others. Many people need help on a monthly
basis with food, medicine and rent something that most individuals and church's
cannot provide on a monthly basis (save for some Catholic Church's) and some
of these people cannot work which is where government assistance comes into
play. Living among Rich White People (I myself am White) for 5 years in Prospect
Heights, IL (my Mom moved there after she married my Step Dad and we lived
there for about 5 years) they seem to display, regardless of religion or background,
contempt for poor people and ridicule. Minority's (including the wealthy Jews out
there) don't have this attitude of contempt nor ridicule and seem to have no problem
paying taxes to fund government programs to help those less fortunate that
I've known)

And so far, I think President Obama, who is a minority (and came from a lower middle class background imo) is doing a fine job of running the country so far. -Rob

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