World renowned psychologist Dr. Christopher Zimmermann has developed a classification scheme for people who suffer from ODS. Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS) Classification Scheme Stage 1 Obama Derangement Syndrome Early symptoms include subtle, low level criticisms of Obama's "leadership" abilities. A simple understanding of separation of powers and what Obama can/can not do is enough to reverse most ailments. Stage 2 Obama Derangement Syndrome At this stage, attacks on the President begin to take on a nonsensical element such as criticism of Obama playing Golf, taking a vacation with his family, or eating mustard on his hamburger. The tone used by stage 2 sufferers mimics that of a gossip tabloid or an unhappy teenager's blog. Stage 3 Obama Derangement Syndrome As the disease progresses, deeply held anger, resentment, and fear manifests itself. Those afflicted with ODS-3 are unable to call the President by his name. They use incendiary monikers such as Barry, Obummer, Zero. The derangement begins to branch out to Obama's family. Even mentioning Michelle Obama's campaign to encourage healthy lifestyles is enough to cause hysterical fits of rage. Stage 4 Obama Derangement Syndrome Opposition to Obama becomes not just predictable, but a force of habit. Those afflicted use phrases like, "Anyone but Obama." The diseased begin to take any position, so long as it is not Obama's position. They begin to mock ideas like "hope" and "change" as naive, simply because Obama embodies them. Stage 5 Obama Derangement Syndrome As stage 5 ODS sets in, the assaults on the President's character begin to imply he is evil at his core. The development of conspiracies that suggest Obama is knowingly executing an agenda that will harm America are commonplace. Questions like, "Is Obama A Bigger Threat Than Al Qaeda?" and "Obama: A Radical Leftist Who Seeks To Dismantle Capitalism?" are common place. Stage 6 Obama Derangement Syndrome This stage is mostly reserved for birthers and bigots. People who have developed ODS-6 are offended by Barack Obama's very existence. The subtle racial undertones, kept concealed in the previous stages of the disease, can no longer be contained. They find it impossible to believe that a black man could be elected President of "their" country, despite the overwhelming evidence that the President was born in America. --Thanks goes to Fidei Defender via Facebook for posting this! |
The Angry Liberal is a blog that is pro Democrat and Liberal, Pro President Obama and his Administration and is dedicated to supporting and telling the truth about the Democratic Party, President Obama and what they stand for as well as Liberals too.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
US Soldiers Planned Obama Assassination: Prosecutors
(Newser) – Four US soldiers planned to overthrow the federal government and kill President Obama, the Press Association reports. The alleged plot, whose details remain scarce, emerged during a murder case against the soldiers. One of the four, Pfc. Michael Burnett, pleaded guilty to manslaughter and gang charges today in the deaths of an ex-soldier and his girlfriend, 17. The ex-soldier, Michael Roark, was killed because he was aware of the plot, Burnett said. The quartet had purchased $87,000 worth of firearms and explosives; they intended to attack Fort Stewart as well as locations in Georgia and Washington state, the AP reports.
Here is a link to the full article.
On a side note, glad these traitors were caught before President Obama,
his family or anyone else could be harmed by these evil doers..
Source: AP, Newser and Tumblr
Here is a link to the full article.
On a side note, glad these traitors were caught before President Obama,
his family or anyone else could be harmed by these evil doers..
Source: AP, Newser and Tumblr
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Neil Armstrong, First Man on the Moon, Dies at Age 82
From the NY Times:
Neil Armstrong, who made the “giant leap for mankind” as the first human to set foot on the moon, died on Saturday. He was 82.
His family said in a statement that the cause was “complications resulting from cardiovascular procedures.” He had undergone heart bypass surgery this month in Cincinnati, near where he lived. His recovery had been going well, according to those who spoke with him after the surgery, and his death came as a surprise to many close to him, including his fellow Apollo astronauts. The family did not say where he died.
A quiet, private man, at heart an engineer and crack test pilot, Mr. Armstrong made history on July 20, 1969, as the commander of the Apollo 11 spacecraft on the mission that culminated the Soviet-American space race in the 1960s. President John F. Kennedy had committed the nation “to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth.” It was done with more than five months to spare.
My favorite part of the article is this:
After news of Mr. Armstrong’s death was reported, President Obama, in a statement from the White House, said, “Neil was among the greatest of American heroes.”
“And when Neil stepped foot on the surface of the moon for the first time,” the president added, “he delivered a moment of human achievement that will never be forgotten.”
Read the rest of the article here:
RIP Neil Armstrong - The NY Times
From Yahoo News:
"A lot of people couldn't figure out Armstrong."
With those words Tom Wolfe introduced Neil Armstrong, the astronaut hero of his nonfiction masterpiece,
"The Right Stuff." Armstrong, of course, was a masterpiece himself: the commander of the 1969 Apollo 11 mission and the first man ever to walk on the moon. Armstrong died Saturday from complications relating to heart surgery. He was 82.
All these decades, Armstrong, the lunar Adam, has represented a code his admirers knew better than to try to crack. Not that, early on, great literary minds—besotted by the baby-faced genius—didn't try.
Wolfe continued: "You'd ask him a question, and he would just stare at you with those pale-blue eyes of his, and you'd start to ask the question again, figuring he hadn't understood, and— click —out of his mouth would come forth a sequence of long, quiet, perfectly formed, precisely thought-out sentences."
So Wolfe warned against understanding Armstrong in "The Right Stuff." And that warning was more or less heeded, somewhat miraculously, until Armstrong's dying day. Profilers kept their mitts off him. Hollywood starlets didn't swoop in to wreck his family. And, most mercifully of all, Carson and Merv Griffin and Dinah Shore and Ali G and Oprah didn't demand that he couch-surf with them."
Read the rest of the story here:
Neil Armstrong Moon Mystery Man
Note: Neil Armstrong is a true American hero.
God Bless him and all.
And Godspeed, Neil.
Also, I dedicate this video to him from the Foo Fighters,
"Next Year":
Foo Fighters - Next Year - Youtube
Friday, August 24, 2012
The Blame Game...
From friend Fidei via Favebook, another great liberal supporter on most issues and Catholic as well:
"Republicans, dumb can you be? Don't you know that Satan is laughing at us all? You bicker and fight and refuse to work together on the things you agree out of spite. How stupid is that? Who wins? Da' Debil. "
Overheard on Facebook, via liberal friend Rodney B.'s wall:
"Heard an analyst saying it appears these tax return, documents released by Gawker, show offshore accounts, not illegal, but displaying our the wealthy have bought Congress (costing trillions of dollars), to supply them with enough loopholes, they have to pay little or no taxes already. In that case, there will be no more or little revenue for government programs, except for the military and military contracts. Social programs, education, health, safety, banking regulations - deteriorating. And the Republicans blame welfare recipients, illegals, women health programs, school teachers, and unions." -Laura O.
Well said Laura!
Great stuff, guys :)
"Republicans, dumb can you be? Don't you know that Satan is laughing at us all? You bicker and fight and refuse to work together on the things you agree out of spite. How stupid is that? Who wins? Da' Debil. "
Overheard on Facebook, via liberal friend Rodney B.'s wall:
"Heard an analyst saying it appears these tax return, documents released by Gawker, show offshore accounts, not illegal, but displaying our the wealthy have bought Congress (costing trillions of dollars), to supply them with enough loopholes, they have to pay little or no taxes already. In that case, there will be no more or little revenue for government programs, except for the military and military contracts. Social programs, education, health, safety, banking regulations - deteriorating. And the Republicans blame welfare recipients, illegals, women health programs, school teachers, and unions." -Laura O.
Well said Laura!
Great stuff, guys :)
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Insightful and Brilliant Political Posts and Quotes by liberals and independents, etc. on Yahoo News and Huffpost Political Articles
Overheard (seen) comments on various Yahoo News and Huffpost posts, political in nature, from various posters whom I deem (and are) liberal, independent, middle of the road and maybe some smart conservatives
mixed in as well:
From Huffpost, various commentary and articles:
7533 Fans
"I can't fathom Mitt at all; it's like he wants to throw the whole game by being so out of touch that he doesn't realize he has become a parody off all that's wrong with the country.
and public were even bothered paying attention.
It turns out that to save Mitt's America; you have to destroy the culture and access to information that is not controlled by corporations in the form of advertising. Now that is one audacious form of pernicious control of an independent voice, untarnished by the lure of doing or saying anything to pay the bills and turn a profit.
If the warning bells aren't going off at the loss of what should be a given, a voice that is not beholding to those that own every other voice of influence in the US. The other mega savings he wants to make so as to give himself a larger tax breaks, is the accumulated culture of America that makes it America.
The arts are the soul of the nation and ironically a major revenue spinner for the nation, All forms of arts, whether mainstream or fringe are as much a part of the national fabric as consuming, working, eating and breathing.
When you cut funding to culture, you cut the umbilical cord to civilization.
A dull world might be conducive to high work rate and productivity but it isn't a life worth living."
6572 Fans
"Similar to the Obama Recovery Plan, Clinton raised taxes on millionaires (generating the largest surplus in history - $756 billion), cut middleclass taxes, and created 22 million jobs. But as demonstrated by Reagan (18 million job loss/10.1% unemployment), Bush 41 (13 million job loss/ 8.3% unemployment), and Bush 43 (15 million job loss/8.7% unemployment), deficit creating trillion dollar tax cuts for the top 2% stifles job growth. As a collateral benefit of improved cash flow, jobs are created when middleclass consumers enjoy increased purchasing power derived from increases in disposable income made possible by decreases in payroll, income, and property tax -- provisions Republicans stubbornly oppose for the bottom 98% (according to the Ryan budget, tax cuts for the top 2% are offset by tax increases for the bottom 97%). So when Mitt says he supports tax cuts, he's talking about his buddies teeing off at Sag Harbor, not middleclass Americans -- the lifeline for our economy. Since 2008, middleclass families have received an annual income tax reduction of $3600, while a record number of small businesses have benefited by way of substantial tax cuts (97% of all small businesses earn less than $250,000 annually; in fact, letting the Bush tax cuts expire would lead to a tax increase for less than 3% of small businesses). Extending tax cuts on income of less than $250,000 and letting the top tax rate go from 35 to 39.6% would create 17 million jobs and generate $900 billion in revenue. Under S-corporation loopholes finagled by Wall Street controlled Republicans, cash-soaked leviathans like General Electric, Exxon Mobil, Halliburton, and Koch Industries are allowed to set up hundreds of shell or dummy "small businesses" (i.e., entities that exist only on paper), which then allows the parent company to avoid taxes by having their profits taxed at small business rates, which is why Republicans are always clamoring to protect "small businesses," also known in Republican parlance as the "imaginary job creators." Middleclass Americans cannot allow the economy to be held hostage by the GOP's fealty to the rich."
1685 Fans
"So we can gut amtrak, PBS and the arts in order to save 2.15 billion a year, BUT we can't cut the 4 billion per year in tax goodies we give oil, gas, and coal? And what the he!! is the point of redoing the tax code at all, if the plan is revenue nuetral? That's like dad moving the family across the country, uprooting their lives, so he can get a better job, only to have the exact same job after the move. What's the point? I can't believe Romney and Ryan are suggesting that a country that is so poor it must cut food and healthcare for the poor, education for our future generations, air and water and food safety regulations, research and development grants, medicare, medicaid ect, is a country that can afford to give it's highest paid 2% another tax cut? I knew that Ryan was a huge Ayn Rand fan, but didn't know much about her until yesterday, suddenly the Romney Ryan plan makes perfect sense. It's still utter and total greedy BS though. Ayn Rand believed that it is of the utmost importance to have really rich people in a society and that those rich folks must be protected from taxes, and regulations and anything that would in any way hinder their ability to amass more and more wealth. That my fellow americans is the belief of the men running for the whitehouse on the GOP side."
3581 Fans
" And it raised again the question of how his overall tax plan -- which extends the Bush tax cuts, reduces individual rates by 20 percent, eliminates taxes on investment income for middle- and lower income taxpayers, repeals the alternative minimum tax and gets rid of the estate tax -- wouldn't balloon the deficit."
"Of course, it would balloon the deficit. Conservatives who have all of a sudden found fiscal religion with a Democratic president would again ignore deficits as long as they go to serve tax cuts for the rich. Conservatives reflexively vote against their own economic interests. Ryan himself has admitted, that given all the tax cuts for the wealthy inherent in his budget it is dependent on eliminating middle class loopholes to get anywhere near a balance. Now Romney says middle class tax loopholes are off the table. With another Republican in office, it will be deficits as far as the eye can see all to give the rich even more."
3430 Fans
"the right wing will never admit that their economic plans are not in any way, shape or form, designed to either balance the budget or improve society.
they are nothing but s;avage, cro;ma;gnon style social engineering designed to produce an america of an extremely small self-annointed, super-rich class of royalty and serfdom for everyone else.
people forget that RRe*gan once made a joke that the california educational system had to be gutted because it was producing so many educated people that it was nearly impossible to find a decent butler anymore for cheap.
then he proceeded to ruin what was once the best public education system in the country.
they may try to male it seem like they are kidding about these things, but they are not. they are very serious. they place no value on anyone that isn't them, and according to a recent psychological study of the very wealthy, that even includes their own children. they are hoarding money and power strictly for themselves and don't even want to pass anything on to their own progeny.
it's a level of selfishness that's unprecedented and incredibly sad. it has to be stopped."
From Yahoo, various articles and commentary:
"Extreme republicans and extreme democrats seem to be at war already... while the majority of the quieter U.S. "moderates" prefer to go unheard, it seems...
"What an ugly mess," we may say. "What awful noise... I certainly don't want to get caught up in that!"
But do you know what I think? No, no one probably cares, but I'll say it anyway:
Have you ever been in a classroom where the teacher called for silence? Bit by bit, the kids begin to talk... Eventually, each person ends up speaking louder to be heard over the other person until everyone is shouting. What good is a shouting teacher going to do in such chaos? But the voice that is quiet, the voice that is calm and serene... Because it is so hard to hear, the class quiets down, and tries to listen, tries to hear...
We are too offensive, and we put people on the defensive far too often. There are those who would disagree with my views, and then there are those who would beat them to a pulp because it's "not my right" to state my opinion, but heaven forbid I have any contrary, or try to stifle another's views...
What the politicians have failed to do, and what WE AS AMERICANS have failed to do, is to uphold, or even bring back the common virtues upon which this country was founded! Dignity, integrity, common courtesy, common SENSE, the ability to AGREE TO DISAGREE, yet to do so respectfully... It is not about right or wrong, or even parties... It is about the fact that whenever someone opens his or her mouth, he or she can expect a retaliation, an attack, and immediately, we are on the defensive. In our fright, we lash out at others, those who do not share our opinions. When we look back, we'll say, "My, that escalated quickly!" Ultimately, we play the blame game, myself included. What does that gain us?
I have spoken with many an intelligent person who did not share my political or personal views, but they remained RESPECTFUL of my right to carry out a perfectly calm conversation with them, and though I did not agree, I found myself learning, expanding my ideas and learning more as to what I believe, and whether I believe it FOR MYSELF.
I honestly believe, though, that behind all of this, all of the ideals, that any man-made system is destined to fail. However, human pride will now allow us to think that way; we have to be right, we HAVE to be. THAT is our downfall. When we place the importance on parties, on being right, on having the last say, we forget that we are supposed to be living in this country together, that it doesn't necessarily matter "who is right", but rather, that we respect one another's voices and opinions. In an imperfect system, what do we have left when even the foundations of such a system, it's people, begin to crumble?
Abraham Lincoln said it best: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
The issue is not politics, or even personal beliefs... Rather, the problem occurs when we stop acting humanely and respectfully toward others...
I have always said and stand by my statement that my personal views and beliefs govern my political views, not the other way around.
I know there are many who will probably call me ignorant, who will hate me or will leave negative comments on this one. You know what I say to that? Fine. But I'd also like to say this: I HAVE A RIGHT TO MY OPINION! I never said you have to have to agree with it.
I hope all of you (Democrat, Republican, Independent, and other) have a wonderful day, and I can say that sincerely and honestly."
From Robert:
"The only people ignorant of reality are conservatives on the far right side and stop ignoring what Jesus taught, Biblical values, doctrines and principals and learn to stop going to war, owning guns, cutting programs for the sick, poor, needy and disabled and then claiming you are Pro Life. And learn to love and forgive your enemy's, even those you dislike, such as President Obama. Most of my friends in Canada, The UK, Spain, Europe, etc. all laugh at the hypocrisy, nonsense and contradictions that most American conservatives display here."
"Only conservatives do retarded things, like claim rape is a gift from God or can't make you pregnant, take away programs from the poor, needy, sick, disabled, unemployed, elderly, minority's, women, children, blue collar workers, which Jesus taught us to take care of, ignore or misinterpret the Bible, hate your enemy's instead of love them, and want to save the unborn here but destroy it elsewhere through war, cutting programs for the average American and hatred, fear, bigotry, racism and prejudice and many other hypocrisies, contradictions and logical fallacies, etc."
Well said, guys!
Peace out.
mixed in as well:
From Huffpost, various commentary and articles:
7533 Fans
"I can't fathom Mitt at all; it's like he wants to throw the whole game by being so out of touch that he doesn't realize he has become a parody off all that's wrong with the country.
Nobody with a functioning set of synapsis and a working central cortex believes that Mitt is on their side and the nearest thing he has to a true believer, is somebody who is either ABO or a nose holding grimaced, habitual Republican voter, moderates are definitely on to Mitt by now and know that he has contradicted every position he's ever held, including one or two that he made up to see if the Media
and public were even bothered paying attention.
It turns out that to save Mitt's America; you have to destroy the culture and access to information that is not controlled by corporations in the form of advertising. Now that is one audacious form of pernicious control of an independent voice, untarnished by the lure of doing or saying anything to pay the bills and turn a profit.
If the warning bells aren't going off at the loss of what should be a given, a voice that is not beholding to those that own every other voice of influence in the US. The other mega savings he wants to make so as to give himself a larger tax breaks, is the accumulated culture of America that makes it America.
The arts are the soul of the nation and ironically a major revenue spinner for the nation, All forms of arts, whether mainstream or fringe are as much a part of the national fabric as consuming, working, eating and breathing.
When you cut funding to culture, you cut the umbilical cord to civilization.
A dull world might be conducive to high work rate and productivity but it isn't a life worth living."
6572 Fans
"Similar to the Obama Recovery Plan, Clinton raised taxes on millionaires (generating the largest surplus in history - $756 billion), cut middleclass taxes, and created 22 million jobs. But as demonstrated by Reagan (18 million job loss/10.1% unemployment), Bush 41 (13 million job loss/ 8.3% unemployment), and Bush 43 (15 million job loss/8.7% unemployment), deficit creating trillion dollar tax cuts for the top 2% stifles job growth. As a collateral benefit of improved cash flow, jobs are created when middleclass consumers enjoy increased purchasing power derived from increases in disposable income made possible by decreases in payroll, income, and property tax -- provisions Republicans stubbornly oppose for the bottom 98% (according to the Ryan budget, tax cuts for the top 2% are offset by tax increases for the bottom 97%). So when Mitt says he supports tax cuts, he's talking about his buddies teeing off at Sag Harbor, not middleclass Americans -- the lifeline for our economy. Since 2008, middleclass families have received an annual income tax reduction of $3600, while a record number of small businesses have benefited by way of substantial tax cuts (97% of all small businesses earn less than $250,000 annually; in fact, letting the Bush tax cuts expire would lead to a tax increase for less than 3% of small businesses). Extending tax cuts on income of less than $250,000 and letting the top tax rate go from 35 to 39.6% would create 17 million jobs and generate $900 billion in revenue. Under S-corporation loopholes finagled by Wall Street controlled Republicans, cash-soaked leviathans like General Electric, Exxon Mobil, Halliburton, and Koch Industries are allowed to set up hundreds of shell or dummy "small businesses" (i.e., entities that exist only on paper), which then allows the parent company to avoid taxes by having their profits taxed at small business rates, which is why Republicans are always clamoring to protect "small businesses," also known in Republican parlance as the "imaginary job creators." Middleclass Americans cannot allow the economy to be held hostage by the GOP's fealty to the rich."
1685 Fans
"So we can gut amtrak, PBS and the arts in order to save 2.15 billion a year, BUT we can't cut the 4 billion per year in tax goodies we give oil, gas, and coal? And what the he!! is the point of redoing the tax code at all, if the plan is revenue nuetral? That's like dad moving the family across the country, uprooting their lives, so he can get a better job, only to have the exact same job after the move. What's the point? I can't believe Romney and Ryan are suggesting that a country that is so poor it must cut food and healthcare for the poor, education for our future generations, air and water and food safety regulations, research and development grants, medicare, medicaid ect, is a country that can afford to give it's highest paid 2% another tax cut? I knew that Ryan was a huge Ayn Rand fan, but didn't know much about her until yesterday, suddenly the Romney Ryan plan makes perfect sense. It's still utter and total greedy BS though. Ayn Rand believed that it is of the utmost importance to have really rich people in a society and that those rich folks must be protected from taxes, and regulations and anything that would in any way hinder their ability to amass more and more wealth. That my fellow americans is the belief of the men running for the whitehouse on the GOP side."
3581 Fans
" And it raised again the question of how his overall tax plan -- which extends the Bush tax cuts, reduces individual rates by 20 percent, eliminates taxes on investment income for middle- and lower income taxpayers, repeals the alternative minimum tax and gets rid of the estate tax -- wouldn't balloon the deficit."
"Of course, it would balloon the deficit. Conservatives who have all of a sudden found fiscal religion with a Democratic president would again ignore deficits as long as they go to serve tax cuts for the rich. Conservatives reflexively vote against their own economic interests. Ryan himself has admitted, that given all the tax cuts for the wealthy inherent in his budget it is dependent on eliminating middle class loopholes to get anywhere near a balance. Now Romney says middle class tax loopholes are off the table. With another Republican in office, it will be deficits as far as the eye can see all to give the rich even more."
3430 Fans
"the right wing will never admit that their economic plans are not in any way, shape or form, designed to either balance the budget or improve society.
they are nothing but s;avage, cro;ma;gnon style social engineering designed to produce an america of an extremely small self-annointed, super-rich class of royalty and serfdom for everyone else.
people forget that RRe*gan once made a joke that the california educational system had to be gutted because it was producing so many educated people that it was nearly impossible to find a decent butler anymore for cheap.
then he proceeded to ruin what was once the best public education system in the country.
they may try to male it seem like they are kidding about these things, but they are not. they are very serious. they place no value on anyone that isn't them, and according to a recent psychological study of the very wealthy, that even includes their own children. they are hoarding money and power strictly for themselves and don't even want to pass anything on to their own progeny.
it's a level of selfishness that's unprecedented and incredibly sad. it has to be stopped."
From Yahoo, various articles and commentary:
"Extreme republicans and extreme democrats seem to be at war already... while the majority of the quieter U.S. "moderates" prefer to go unheard, it seems...
"What an ugly mess," we may say. "What awful noise... I certainly don't want to get caught up in that!"
But do you know what I think? No, no one probably cares, but I'll say it anyway:
Have you ever been in a classroom where the teacher called for silence? Bit by bit, the kids begin to talk... Eventually, each person ends up speaking louder to be heard over the other person until everyone is shouting. What good is a shouting teacher going to do in such chaos? But the voice that is quiet, the voice that is calm and serene... Because it is so hard to hear, the class quiets down, and tries to listen, tries to hear...
We are too offensive, and we put people on the defensive far too often. There are those who would disagree with my views, and then there are those who would beat them to a pulp because it's "not my right" to state my opinion, but heaven forbid I have any contrary, or try to stifle another's views...
What the politicians have failed to do, and what WE AS AMERICANS have failed to do, is to uphold, or even bring back the common virtues upon which this country was founded! Dignity, integrity, common courtesy, common SENSE, the ability to AGREE TO DISAGREE, yet to do so respectfully... It is not about right or wrong, or even parties... It is about the fact that whenever someone opens his or her mouth, he or she can expect a retaliation, an attack, and immediately, we are on the defensive. In our fright, we lash out at others, those who do not share our opinions. When we look back, we'll say, "My, that escalated quickly!" Ultimately, we play the blame game, myself included. What does that gain us?
I have spoken with many an intelligent person who did not share my political or personal views, but they remained RESPECTFUL of my right to carry out a perfectly calm conversation with them, and though I did not agree, I found myself learning, expanding my ideas and learning more as to what I believe, and whether I believe it FOR MYSELF.
I honestly believe, though, that behind all of this, all of the ideals, that any man-made system is destined to fail. However, human pride will now allow us to think that way; we have to be right, we HAVE to be. THAT is our downfall. When we place the importance on parties, on being right, on having the last say, we forget that we are supposed to be living in this country together, that it doesn't necessarily matter "who is right", but rather, that we respect one another's voices and opinions. In an imperfect system, what do we have left when even the foundations of such a system, it's people, begin to crumble?
Abraham Lincoln said it best: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
The issue is not politics, or even personal beliefs... Rather, the problem occurs when we stop acting humanely and respectfully toward others...
I have always said and stand by my statement that my personal views and beliefs govern my political views, not the other way around.
I know there are many who will probably call me ignorant, who will hate me or will leave negative comments on this one. You know what I say to that? Fine. But I'd also like to say this: I HAVE A RIGHT TO MY OPINION! I never said you have to have to agree with it.
I hope all of you (Democrat, Republican, Independent, and other) have a wonderful day, and I can say that sincerely and honestly."
From Robert:
"The only people ignorant of reality are conservatives on the far right side and stop ignoring what Jesus taught, Biblical values, doctrines and principals and learn to stop going to war, owning guns, cutting programs for the sick, poor, needy and disabled and then claiming you are Pro Life. And learn to love and forgive your enemy's, even those you dislike, such as President Obama. Most of my friends in Canada, The UK, Spain, Europe, etc. all laugh at the hypocrisy, nonsense and contradictions that most American conservatives display here."
"Only conservatives do retarded things, like claim rape is a gift from God or can't make you pregnant, take away programs from the poor, needy, sick, disabled, unemployed, elderly, minority's, women, children, blue collar workers, which Jesus taught us to take care of, ignore or misinterpret the Bible, hate your enemy's instead of love them, and want to save the unborn here but destroy it elsewhere through war, cutting programs for the average American and hatred, fear, bigotry, racism and prejudice and many other hypocrisies, contradictions and logical fallacies, etc."
Well said, guys!
Peace out.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Jesus vs Romney and The Money Changers!
Hey guys, thought you might like this pic! Facebook Group
From: Tom Seidel via facebook group :)
Thursday, August 16, 2012
President Obama Reacts To Family Research Council Shooting
From the Huffpost News:
"President Obama condemned the shooting of a security guard at the Family Research Council's headquarters on Wednesday, according to press secretary Jay Carney.
Obama, who was notified of the shooting at 1:18 PM ET, expressed concern for a security guard who was wounded by the shooting at the FRC's headquarters in Washington, DC. Obama also professed the belief that "this type of violence has no place in our society," per a pool report."
You can read the full article here:
Spoken like a true man and President.
Mitt Romney: Slash Amtrak, PBS Funding, But Give Tax Breaks to The Wealthy!
In more insane news from the Romney/Ryan camp that is again out of touch with reality
and most of the American people (as in the 99% I would think) The Huffpost reports
the following:
"Romney's campaign has insisted that they can trim federal spending enough to achieve fiscal balance, but in the Fortune interview, the items Romney pinpointed appeared to be low-hanging fruit.
Romney identified subsidies for Amtrak, PBS, the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities as things he would eliminate. The government spends $444 million a year on the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (the parent organization of PBS); Amtrak received $1.56 billion in federal funding in 2010, with $1.3 billion in stimulus funds; while the National Endowment of the Arts lists the current level of federal funding at approximately $146 million.
Romney said he would block grant Medicaid and send programs like housing vouchers and food stamps back to the states. This, he argued, would save the federal government "approximately $100 billion a year within four years" (the House GOP budget claims to save $771 billion over 10 years). It would also mean dramatic cuts to each of these programs, as states are already dealing with major budget shortfalls.
Romney also told Fortune that he would reduce the number of federal programs by 10 percent through attrition, while tying the compensation of federal workers to that in the private sector. "That saves about $47 billion a year, by the way," he said.
All told, the savings that Romney identified for Fortune would add up to roughly $750 billion over 10 years (depending on the baseline comparison). On Monday and Tuesday, Romney announced that he would restore roughly the same amount ($718 billion) to Medicare as part of his plan to repeal the health care law President Barack Obama put in place."
You can read the full article here:
Wow, just wow! How out of touch with reality can Romney get?
Oe the American people, most of them anyway?
I'm at a loss for words right now...
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Mitt Romney Announces Paul Ryan as his pick for Running Mate and VP
From Tumblr:
How the 42-year-old Wisconsin representative (and now Mitt Romney VP pick) took a leading role in the Republican Party’s budget battle with President Obama:
How the 42-year-old Wisconsin representative (and now Mitt Romney VP pick) took a leading role in the Republican Party’s budget battle with President Obama:
Three days later, the White House started a livelier debate with Ryan. In a press briefing, Peter Orszag, the budget director at the time, dismantled Ryan’s plan, point by point. Ryan’s proposal would turn Medicare ‘into a voucher program, so that individuals are on their own in the health-care market,’ he said. Over time, the program wouldn’t keep pace with rising medical costs, so seniors would have to pay thousands of dollars more a year for health care. The Roadmap would revive Bush’s plan to privatize Social Security and ‘provide large tax benefits to upper-income households … while shifting the burden onto middle- and lower-income households. It is a dramatically different approach in which much more risk is loaded onto individuals.’ Ryan, who had always had a good relationship with Orszag, later described the briefing as the moment when ‘the budget director took that olive branch and hit me in the face with it.’
But the confrontation enhanced Ryan’s credibility among conservatives. He became the face of the opposition, someone who could attack the President’s policies with facts and figures. Indeed, at the retreat, Obama had mischaracterized Ryan’s Medicare plan, and Ryan politely corrected him. The two men sparred again the next month, at a summit at Blair House, over the President’s health-care plan. The details of Ryan’s proposals and his critiques of Obama’s mattered less than the fact that he was taking on the President.
“Fussbudget.” — Ryan Lizza, New Yorker
More Lizza
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“Ryan comes off as nerdier than Romney, but he doesn’t come off as much more human. They seem like two slightly different variants of the classic gladhanding candidate for high-school student-body president. Both would be on the debate team, but the Romney model would also be on the football team, whereas the Ryan model would compete in interscholastic math tournaments. Most kids at my high school didn’t especially like either type. They only voted for one of them because there was no alternative.”
— | Robert Wright, on Paul Ryan. |
Mitt Romney just announced today (August 11th, 2012) that Paul Ryan will be his running mate
and pick for VP. Oh boy! This will be fun to see how the upcoming election turns out.
I think Mitt and Ryan would make great garbage men (not to insult garbage men)
and I still think that Adam West and Burt Ward would make a great Batman and
Robin or Dynamic Duo anyday over Mitt and Paul.
Stay tuned....
(Pic courtesy of Facebook btw)
Friday, August 10, 2012
Americans are scared, angry and struggling
“Americans are scared, angry and struggling. They used to talk about job satisfaction; now they talk about just holding on to their jobs. No incumbent since FDR has ever won reelection with unemployment numbers remotely resembling today’s. What voters feel about their lives and dreams in the months leading up to an election tends to stick to the president when they enter the voting booth. And right now what’s sticking to Obama isn’t good. But it sure helps to face a candidate as uncomfortable in his own skin, as likely to say by accident what he really means and as wrong for the times as Mitt Romney. In an era when even conservatives are populists, enraged about the favors granted the rich and well-connected, Romney is running as a CEO who thinks his taxes are too high. Voters just aren’t warming up to a guy who enjoys firing people and attempts to woo the people of Michigan by referring to his wife’s “couple of Cadillacs.” If Obama offers what well-paid elites call a “jobless recovery,” Romney offers the only thing worse: a promise to restore the policies that led to the joblessness that made a recovery necessary.” — Drew Westen
President Obama as a child with his grandfather!
Another awesome pic from Facebook of President Obama as a child
with his grandfather, a WWII Army vet.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Happy Birthday President Obama!
Happy Birthday to President Obama (It was on the 4th of August, yeah, I know it's a little late) but better late then never! Happy Birthday to all the good people born on August 4th as wel.
Picture of Obama during childhood.
Photo credit: Facebook
Picture of Obama during childhood.
Photo credit: Facebook
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