If I was President of the U.S...
I would: Impose a tax on people whom marry those with criminal records (major ones)
Impose a tax on women that have kids with multiple fathers
Taxes on those who have kids out of wedlock
All government assistance would be ineligible to pedophiles, child, elder, animal and domestic abusers, criminals, anti Americans and terrorists
Healthcare would be Medicare for all, no co pays or premiums
Guns would be heavily taxed, ammo too, requiring gun licensure and universal background checks, plus insurance and registration. Assault and military style weapons would be banned
Gay marriage would be legal in all U.S. States and territory's
Social welfare and government assistance would be expanded and increased
More jobs would be created
Would ask wealthy Americans to help pay off our national debt, corporations too
Church's would pay taxes but only 2% at most
Would improve govco agencies such as USPS, NASA, FDA, CDC, FBI, CIA, NSA, FCC, etc
Would promote more tolerance for gays, atheists, Muslims, etc
Marijuana would be legal in all states and territory's
Police and EMS/fire better trained and funded nationally
Improve foreign relations and UN. Standing
Decrease funding to Israel and Egypt but will still support them
Improve relations with Russia, European States, China and The Middle East
Support women's rights, civil rights too
Dog and animal cruelty would be punishable by death, child and elder cruelty as well
Make NRA members register for the seletive service i.e. Military and all right wing militias too
Anti Americans spied on would be ok, brought in for questioning and detained if need be
Would tax oil companies tenfold and lower gas prices as well
Taskforces to improve government corruption and city's like Chicago and Detroit plus ones in Indiana, etc
More international aid to 3rd world areas and countries
Schools better funded esp. in poor areas and neighborhoods
Teachers can be armed with handguns
NRA would be taxed and asked to help in national, international security measures
Old age homes would get funding and required training for better conditions
More homeless shelters and nationally funded food pantries
Better public transportation and roads
Major overhaul of mental healthcare system
Focus on medical, technological, science and space research
Animal, gay, atheist, Muslim and homeless plus immigrant rights, focus on
Taskforce to eliminate political corruption
Continued war on terror, aid to Allies
More will be added here in another post like this in the future
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