Sunday, November 23, 2014

Gun Control - Guns Need Licensure, Registration

"What can I assume from this text? One, that man is up to no good, since he is breaking the law. Two, that the law obiding citizens in that library are not packing, the librarian isn't either. If the man goes on a rampage, nothing short of a ninja can stop him. He can approach each person, and shoot their cranium at point blank range.

 This isn't learned helplessness. This is enforced helplessness.

 Carrying guns, with proper licensure and strict guidelines for such license (both shooting and legal aptitude) should be the norm. Gun control has NEVER stopped a criminal from obtaining a weapon and using it. Enforced helplessness is a violation of our right to protect ourselves. 911 emergency police are too far away, and we cannot rely on every public venue to have an armed guard.
 Strawman argument: More guns = more shootings. Reality: In every police station in the country, almost everyone is armed. Or with a gun in their desk. Heard about that police station where a mad shooter went from desk to desk shooting everyone? Me neither. And the US police aren't known to be nonviolent or with very good restraint, statistically.

 Open carry with proper and strict licensure with frequent renewal Requirements is the only solution." Mu friend Sam via Facebook on gun control

Guns need licensure, registration, more smartgun technology, limits on buying ammo and legal exams and universal background checks for all gun buyers, etc.

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