"Wagging the dog is so easy in America. I expect the same thing to happen in 2016:
1) Make sure the Democratic candidate is pro-war, pro-spying, and pro-corporate welfare. Ask them to make extremely liberal speeches, and even pretend not to be as stated above.
2) Make an inflammatory frivolous campaign against him or her. Be intentionally racist if the candidate is black, sexist, if a woman. Make fun of everything. Create straw man arguments (like question their citizenship, or religious affiliation). Attack their mother.
3) Watch otherwise liberal individuals flock to that Democrat's defense, not because they agree with their policies, but because he is being brutally and unfairly attacked.
4) Sit back and enjoy the results: More war, broad based investigation of every citizen without judicial oversight, and big fat corporate kick backs on policies that only benefit corporations and not the American public (i.e. drone wars, or shifting the profits from doctors to health insurance companies).
See, a lot easier than attempting to push a conservative candidate through the election system on a Republican ticket where they belong!
So go ahead and support Obomba and continue supporting the Turncoatcrat Democrats in 2016. And best of all, keep falling for those "Conservative" warmonger tricks. Boy do they love making you think that they are sincere, as you keep blindly doing their bidding... After all, a REAL liberal in power could ruin EVERYTHING they've built up since Reagan, and if the military cash cow were to run dry, and the money were to go to public works and social projects, now that would leave a lot of their friends looking for legitimate work..." Friend Sam via facebook
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