Sunday, September 20, 2015

Is President Obama A Muslim?

Proof That President Obama Is Not A Muslim:

1. No Mosque has ever registered his name, nickname nor has produced any material evidence or proof that President Obama has attended any Islamic religious services before he become President, no witnesses have ever stepped forward to claim he has.

2. No one has ever observed President Obama bending down towards Mecca 5 times a day, as is required by Islamic religious teaching, nor saying any Islamic prayers nor displaying Islamic symbolism, or allegiance. Sympathy doesn't count as the former does and is not the same.

3. President Obama has signed orders to kill hundreds of radical Islamists, including Osama Bin Laden, that were successfully killed via special forces or drones. Many of these radical islamists were leaders.

4. My Muslim friends and Christian ones that are lifelong Muslims and Christians from the Holy Land including Israel, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt view President Obama as either a Christian or agnostic. but do not think he is or was ever a Muslim, even if he admires and respects his father and his father's religion, as religion is not inherited and he was raised by a single, American mother, very open minded and multicultural at that and not his biological father.

5. He attended Catholic school as a child like President Kennedy Did.

6. He volunteered for Catholic Charity's and The RCC during the mid 1980's for apx 3-4 years. for 12 parishes in Chicago.
I've spoken with priests and nuns that knew him and said he was a good, Godly man and community organizer and volunteer.

7. He chose and appointed VP Joe Biden, a Catholic liberal, formerly a conservative.
8. None of his White House staff are of Islamic origin but rather American Christian like him, most of them, others may be agnostic or atheist.

9. His roots and activism, esp in social justice, are largely Catholic based ones (Google: Obama Catholic Roots).

10. He attended a Christian church in Chicago for over 20 years with dozens of church members.

11. He eats pork and drinks beer, clearly that is violation of Islamic religion and law and those beliefs cannot be suspended by practicing Muslims (Muslims dislike non-practicing Muslims and consider them not Muslim or not holy) as well as supports gay rights, freedom of religion, feminism, equality, gay marriage, etc. Has never endorsed Islam (except in false quotes attributed to him).

12. The Washington State Police, FBI, CIA, ATF, Secret Service, DoD, Homeland Security and detectives hired by Hillary Clinton before she became friendly with President Obama could not find any incriminating evidence that he was either a Muslim nor not an American citizen. GWB also looked into him before handing officially the Presidency over to him.

13. He supported many of GWB's bill's and policies as Senator of Illinois (Around 60-80%).

14. He has never attended any Mosque openings in America nor elsewhere.

15. Supporting freedom of religion does not make him a Muslim, neither does the fact that his father was a non practicing Muslim make him one.

America was founded on the principles of freedom of religion, not on a theocracy, nor one official religion nor a secular idea of a nation.

16. Has never been seen reading a Quran, interestingly many Muslim friends have Qurans and Bibles they read, side by side.

17. Has openly and publicly denounced radical Muslim terrorist groups Al Queda, The Taliban and ISIS, also attacking them via hundreds of drone strikes.

18. Does not follow the 5 Pillars of Islam nor their tenets.

19. Has shown no mercy to radical Islamic terrorist groups.

20. All claims that President Obama is a Muslim would not hold up in a court of law, not even an Islamic one, it would be considered character assassination, bogus, false claims, slander, lies, hate speech, speculation, heresy, imagination based, invalid, nonsensical, made up, conspiracy theory based, etc and has no supporting material evidence whatsoever to back up any of these claims.

Only the most ultra conservative or conspiracy based judge would find any sort of merit in these false claims and speculation of President Obama being a Muslim or Islamic sympathizer and rule that he is a Muslim.

Written by: Robert A. Kiehn, 09/20/2015

P.S. I wonder if Donald Trump reads the Bible and attends church on Sunday?

‪#‎Obama‬ ‪#‎Trump‬ ‪#‎Bible‬ ‪#‎Islam‬ ‪#‎ObamaIsAMuslim‬ ‪#‎Catholic

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