Tuesday, December 1, 2015

List of Right Wing Shooters

..."we can categorically REJECT the notion that any of the shooters in question has been shown to be a registered Democrat on a case by case basis.
1. Nidal Hasan (the Ft. Hood shooter) lived in either Virginia (his state of residence prior to being sent to Ft. Hood) or Texas, neither of which has partisan registration. Therefore the claim that he was a "registered Democrat" is false. I do not know if he voted or how he voted, but I do know that unless he was registered in a state in which he did not reside, that the claim that he is a registered Democrat is FALSE.
2. Since Virginia does not have partisan registration there is also no way to tell whether Seung-Hui Cho was a Democrat, but again because there is no partisan registration in the state we can say that the claim that he is a registered Democrat is FALSE. (Update: A more obvious point is that Cho was a resident alien, not a US citizen, so he was not eligible to vote in the US)
3. The false allegation that James Holmes was a registered Democrat was based on a Breitbart blogger named Joel Pollack, who found voter registration records for a DIFFERENT James Holmes who was approximately the same age as the shooter James Holmes. Alex Jones’ Infowars and other right-wing websites then incredulously repeated the false information without verifying it. It was later determined that the Colorado Theater Shooter James Holmes was NOT registered to vote, as evidenced by this retraction: {Newly-released information on the suspect’s birthdate (which, as indicated in our initial report, was a slight mismatch), combined with new details Breitbart News has obtained about the suspect’s likely addresses, together suggest that the suspect may, in fact, not have been registered to vote.}. However, most conservative bloggers continued to promote the lie without printing the Breitbart site's retraction. The claim that James Holmes was a registered Democrat is FALSE.
4. The claim that Adama Lanza is a registered Democrat has been suggested based not on any evidence that he was registered as one, but on the rather dubious claim that because Connecticut has almost 2 to 1 Democratic registration over Republicans, he was probably a Democrat. (Claim: "Adam Lanza, NewtownConn murderer. Registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by about a 2-1 ratio in Connecticut. The odds are therefore that the Lanza family are (sic) Democrats.") This of course is a bogus argument to begin with, but even if we were to make the claim that a mass shooter’s political affiliation must be the same as the majority of the people in his area, we can debunk this foolish idea by taking this shoddy analysis down to the local level. Yes, Connecticut voted for Barack Obama, BUT the city of Newtown voted for Mitt Romney. If we look at the results we find that Mitt Romney defeated Barack Obama in Newtown by 7451-6784 votes or 51.7 percent to 47 percent. Republican Senate candidate and Tea Party favorite Linda McMahon carried the city over Democrat Chris Murphy by an even larger margin. Add in the other information we have that Lanza’s mother was a “doomsday prepper” and a home schooler in a Republican-leaning city and we can pretty well dispense with the erroneous assumption that Lanza must have been a Democrat (UPDATE: According to at least one media source, Nancy Lanza was a registered Republican. The source does not provide a link, but the author of this article is seeking further confirmation). We can therefore claim that with no evidence to support the claim, the assertion that Lanza was a Democrat is not demonstrated and that in the absence of any evidence it is likely FALSE.
5. Klebold and Harris of course were not old enough to vote and they had no apparent political affiliation. Allegations that they came from families of Democrats or liberal progressives appear to have no sources to substantiate those claims. What little ideology the boys demonstrated owed mostly to an admiration for Timothy McVeigh not Ted Kennedy. Harris’ father was a retired Air Force pilot and Eric Harris wanted to join the Marine Corps. The boys lived in Littleton, Colorado a relatively conservative and affluent suburb of Denver. The claim that their parents were Democrats is UNSUBSTANTIATED. Any suggestion that the two boys were Democrats is demonstrably FALSE.
Interestingly, Hedgecock and those on the far right have conveniently overlooked a number of cases where ideology is clearly right-wing. The acts below are instances of right-wing violence that are unequivocally committed by people who are openly hostile to liberalism. While this does not mean these killers are Republicans, it is quite clear that they are RIGHT-WINGERS and that they have far more in common with Mr. Hedgecock, Alex Jones and the other gun-toting conspiracy nuts on the right than with any evils associated with the Democratic Party or liberalism. In addition, to the list below is the obvious case of Timothy McVeigh, who I have not included because his crime was not committed with firearms. It was however, committed by a right-winger and the carnage was on a massive scale.
For example, on July 18, 1984 James Oliver Huberty, who told his wife he hated “children, Mexicans and the United States” opened fire inside the McDonald’s Restaurant in San Ysidro, CA using a Browning P-35 Hi-Power 9mm pistol, Winchester 1200 pump-action 12-gauge shotgun, and an Israeli Military Industries 9mm Carbine (Uzi) – all legally acquired. He killed 21 and injured 19 before he was shot dead by police.
On Aug. 10, 1999 White supremacist Buford O. Furrow, Jr., fired 70 rounds with an Uzi-type submachine-gun inside the lobby of the Jewish Community Center in Granada Hills, CA wounding three children, a teenage counselor and an office worker. He then carjacked a woman’s Toyota at gunpoint, dumped it behind a motel and murdered US Postal Worker Joseph Santos with a Glock 9mm handgun.
On July 27, 2008 Former U.S. Army private, Jim David Atkinsson, who hated Democrats, liberals, African Americans and homosexuals, using a Remington Model 48 12-gauge shotgun, murdered two people and injured seven others inside the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, TN.
The day after Obama’s inauguration, white supremacist Keith Luke went on a killing spree in Brockton, Massachusetts. His goal was to kill as many Jews, blacks and Hispanics as possible. When questioned by investigators, the deranged gunman who had stockpiled hundreds of rounds of ammunition, proclaimed that he was fighting the extinction of the white race.
A little over a month later, Dannie Baker, a former Republican campaign volunteer shot five Chilean immigrants in Florida. Those who knew him said he was obsessed with the fear that illegal immigrants were taking over the country.
In April of 2009, Richard Popalowski, a white supremacist in Pittsburgh, shot and killed three police officers following a domestic disturbance call. He apparently thought that Obama was part of a government conspiracy to seize all guns, and he feared the government would take his guns away.
Later the same month, a Fort Walton Beach Florida man who thought the Obama administration was conspiring against him, shot and murdered two sheriff’s deputies.
On May 31, 2009 Dr. George Tiller was murdered in his own church by a right-wing “pro- life” gun man who decided to express his belief in the sanctity of human life by executing a medical doctor.
Eleven days later a right-wing white supremacist and Holocaust denier walked into the National Holocaust Museum and killed an African-American security guard. Two weeks later, three Neo-Nazis were arrested for bombing a diversity office in Scottsdale, Arizona.
On April 20, 2010 a member of the Sovereign Citizen movement was arrested after a failed attempt to take over a Tennessee county courthouse.
Exactly one month later, in West Memphis Arkansas, Sovereign citizens Jerry and Joe Kane murdered two police officers before they themselves were shot and killed in the ensuing shoot out with police.
On July 18, 2010 Byron Williams, an angry unemployed man, was arrested by police after they discovered a car full of weapons and ammunition that he had planned to use to kill progressives. He was on his way to the non-profit Tides Foundation Center, a favorite target of vitriol from Glenn Beck’s radio show.
On Jan. 8, 2011 22-year old Jared Lee Loughner killed six people, including a judge and a nine-year old child, and wounded 13 others, including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), using a 9mm Glock 19 pistol during a public meeting in a supermarket parking lot near Tuscon, AZ.
On Aug. 5, 2012 Wade Michael Page, a 40-year old white supremacist and U.S. Army veteran murdered six people and wounded four others inside a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, WI with a Springfield XD(M) semi-automatic pistol." Via The Examiner

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Japan Gun Laws

Japan Gun Laws:

Those disqualified from possessing a gun according to Article 5 of the Law include
(1) a person less than 18 years of age (a talented athlete of age 14 years or over may be excepted);
(2) a person who has declared bankruptcy and the restrictions have not been removed;
(3) a person who has lost or may lose full mental ability through mental illness or specified health problems, or who has dementia;
(4) a person addicted to alcohol, narcotics, cannabis, opium, or stimulant drugs;
(5) a feebleminded person;
(6) a person without a fixed abode;
(7–11) a person whose license was revoked and a specified period has not elapsed;
(12) any person who has been sentenced to imprisonment and five years have not elapsed since his or her sentence was completed or remitted;
(13–14) a person who violated this Law or a related law and a specified period has not elapsed;
(15) a person who stalked another person and received a warning or restraining order;
(16) a person who behaved violently and received a restraining order under the Domestic Violence Prevention Law;
(17) a person who is recognized by the [Public Safety] Commission as one who has committed violent acts as a member of a group or repeatedly; and
(18) a person who can be reasonably expected to harm another’s life, body, or property, [be a threat to] public safety, or commit suicide.[39]
In addition, if a relative, including a de facto spouse, living with an applicant can be reasonably expected to pose a threat to the life or property of other persons or to public safety by using a gun or sword, the prefecture’s Public Safety Commission may not permit the possession of a gun or sword.[40] There are exceptions and additional restrictions.
In order to possess a hunting gun or air gun, one must attend classes, held by the prefecture’s Public Safety Commission, concerning the laws and regulations on possession of hunting or air guns and the methods of their use and safe storage.[41] In addition, in order to prevent a person without the skills to handle a gun from obtaining one,[42] the law requires an applicant for a gun-possession permit to take a skills test or complete shooting classes.[43] In the case of a rifle, permission for possession is not granted unless the person is a professional hunter; will use it to exterminate harmful animals and birds for the protection of his business; or has had a permit to possess a hunting gun for more than ten years.[44

Monday, October 5, 2015

President Obama on Gun.Control

“We collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loved ones because of our inaction. When Americans are killed in mine disasters, we work to make mines safer. When Americans are killed in floods and hurricanes, we make communities safer. When roads are unsafe, we fix them to reduce auto fatalities. We have seat belt laws because we know it saves lives. The notion that gun violence is somehow different, that our freedom, our Constitution prohibits any modest regulation of how we use a deadly weapon, when there are law-abiding gun owners all across the country who could hunt and protect their families and do everything they do under such regulations. Doesn’t make sense." President Obama ☀

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Guns in America

“How madmen can gain access to guns continues to baffle the world, why Americans are intoxicated on the right to guns mystifies our world’s neighbors, and how such a gun culture has been embraced by our society beggars intelligence." Jesus Creed ☀

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Is President Obama A Muslim?

Proof That President Obama Is Not A Muslim:

1. No Mosque has ever registered his name, nickname nor has produced any material evidence or proof that President Obama has attended any Islamic religious services before he become President, no witnesses have ever stepped forward to claim he has.

2. No one has ever observed President Obama bending down towards Mecca 5 times a day, as is required by Islamic religious teaching, nor saying any Islamic prayers nor displaying Islamic symbolism, or allegiance. Sympathy doesn't count as the former does and is not the same.

3. President Obama has signed orders to kill hundreds of radical Islamists, including Osama Bin Laden, that were successfully killed via special forces or drones. Many of these radical islamists were leaders.

4. My Muslim friends and Christian ones that are lifelong Muslims and Christians from the Holy Land including Israel, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt view President Obama as either a Christian or agnostic. but do not think he is or was ever a Muslim, even if he admires and respects his father and his father's religion, as religion is not inherited and he was raised by a single, American mother, very open minded and multicultural at that and not his biological father.

5. He attended Catholic school as a child like President Kennedy Did.

6. He volunteered for Catholic Charity's and The RCC during the mid 1980's for apx 3-4 years. for 12 parishes in Chicago.
I've spoken with priests and nuns that knew him and said he was a good, Godly man and community organizer and volunteer.

7. He chose and appointed VP Joe Biden, a Catholic liberal, formerly a conservative.
8. None of his White House staff are of Islamic origin but rather American Christian like him, most of them, others may be agnostic or atheist.

9. His roots and activism, esp in social justice, are largely Catholic based ones (Google: Obama Catholic Roots).

10. He attended a Christian church in Chicago for over 20 years with dozens of church members.

11. He eats pork and drinks beer, clearly that is violation of Islamic religion and law and those beliefs cannot be suspended by practicing Muslims (Muslims dislike non-practicing Muslims and consider them not Muslim or not holy) as well as supports gay rights, freedom of religion, feminism, equality, gay marriage, etc. Has never endorsed Islam (except in false quotes attributed to him).

12. The Washington State Police, FBI, CIA, ATF, Secret Service, DoD, Homeland Security and detectives hired by Hillary Clinton before she became friendly with President Obama could not find any incriminating evidence that he was either a Muslim nor not an American citizen. GWB also looked into him before handing officially the Presidency over to him.

13. He supported many of GWB's bill's and policies as Senator of Illinois (Around 60-80%).

14. He has never attended any Mosque openings in America nor elsewhere.

15. Supporting freedom of religion does not make him a Muslim, neither does the fact that his father was a non practicing Muslim make him one.

America was founded on the principles of freedom of religion, not on a theocracy, nor one official religion nor a secular idea of a nation.

16. Has never been seen reading a Quran, interestingly many Muslim friends have Qurans and Bibles they read, side by side.

17. Has openly and publicly denounced radical Muslim terrorist groups Al Queda, The Taliban and ISIS, also attacking them via hundreds of drone strikes.

18. Does not follow the 5 Pillars of Islam nor their tenets.

19. Has shown no mercy to radical Islamic terrorist groups.

20. All claims that President Obama is a Muslim would not hold up in a court of law, not even an Islamic one, it would be considered character assassination, bogus, false claims, slander, lies, hate speech, speculation, heresy, imagination based, invalid, nonsensical, made up, conspiracy theory based, etc and has no supporting material evidence whatsoever to back up any of these claims.

Only the most ultra conservative or conspiracy based judge would find any sort of merit in these false claims and speculation of President Obama being a Muslim or Islamic sympathizer and rule that he is a Muslim.

Written by: Robert A. Kiehn, 09/20/2015

P.S. I wonder if Donald Trump reads the Bible and attends church on Sunday?

‪#‎Obama‬ ‪#‎Trump‬ ‪#‎Bible‬ ‪#‎Islam‬ ‪#‎ObamaIsAMuslim‬ ‪#‎Catholic

For Trump Muslim Question Guy Part 3

General Colin Powell quoted regarding if President Obama was a Muslim: "So what if he is? Is there something wrong with that?" (Look for it on goodreads quotes under Colin Powell).

I have Muslim friends. They are good, godly and hardworking people. The women are beautiful like Queen Rania of Jordan and very clean, friendly and nice.

President Obama attended a Catholic school as a child like President Kennedy did, volunteered for the Catholic church during the 80's in Chicago for 12 parishes for 4 years and picked a Catholic VP in Joe Biden.

There is nothing wrong with being a Muslim. They have lived in America for generations.

Also President Obama's roots and activism are Catholic based, shame on people like Trump and others like Muslim Question Guy for behaving like those in Nazi Germany.

Hate at it's worst as well as human behavior.

You sir are nothing but a hate monger, psychologically damaged and deranged, not a true American nor Christian, on par with Nazi Germany, shame on you.

‪#‎PresidentObama‬ ‪#‎DonaldTrump‬ ‪#‎MuslimQuestionGuy‬ ‪#‎TrumpAudienceMember

To Muslim Question Guy Part 2

General Colin Powell quoted regarding if President Obama was a Muslim: "So what if he is? Is there something wrong with that?" (Look for it on goodreads quotes under Colin Powell).

 I have Muslim friends. They are good, godly and hardworking people. The women are beautiful like Queen Rania of Jordan and very clean, friendly and nice.

 President Obama attended a Catholic school as a child like President Kennedy did, volunteered for the Catholic church during the 80's in Chicago for 12 parishes for 4 years and picked a Catholic VP in Joe Biden.

 There is nothing wrong with being a Muslim. They have lived in America for generations.

 Also President Obama's roots and activism are Catholic based, shame on people like Trump and others like Muslim Question Guy for behaving like those in Nazi Germany.

Xenophobia at it's worst as well as human behavior.

You sir should be Ashamed of yourself, your anti Christian attitude and phobia based behavior, get psychological help ASAP and some Muslim friends as well, you are what's wrong with America.

‪#‎PresidentObama‬ ‪#‎DonaldTrump‬ ‪#‎MuslimQuestionGuy‬ ‪#‎TrumpAudienceMember‬

Friday, September 18, 2015

Message To Trump Audience Member


You are misinformed, conspiracy minded and have obvious psychological issues that have manifested themselves in the form of fears, phobias, Islamophobia and racism plus speculation, fantasy and imagination in the fact that you believe that President Obama is a Muslim and not American.

He is not a Muslim and in fact did years of work for the Catholic Church in Chicago for 12 Parishes during the 1980's, plus attended a Christian Church for over 20 years and has stated numerous times that he is a Christian.

You sir and others have no right to lie, slander, make false accusations nor character assassinate our current President, a Christian and natural born U.S. Citizen.

Just because hid father was a Muslim does not mean he is and there is no proof, a court of law would claim here say on you.

Even Colin Powell remarked "So what if he's a Muslim?"

Shame on you.

You are what's wrong with America.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Food Stamps Help The American Economy

Food stamps help contribute to the American economy.

 They not only feed people esp children that need food and the disabled but they contribute to giving profits to food distributors, manufacturer's, suppliers, grocery chains and grocery truck drivers plus employees and food companies.

 It made me sad that President Obama cut $10 Billion on food stamps over 10 years but also that IL Gov. Bruce Rauner made even more cuts in food stamps

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Right Wing Hypocrisy

"These right wing people are such hypocrites. they talk about freedom, but oppress gay people. i don't get it.
" PFC via Facebook

*Grammar edited

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Guns and Gay Marriage

"Ha! As an atheist, I support the right to own properly licensed guns for self protection. It's logical to maximize one's chances of survival while being attacked.

But imagine the religious hypocrisy of opposing gay marriage license based on a few obscure copy-paste passages regarding gay sex (the question of gay MARRIAGE is not even mentioned in the Bible), but ignoring one of the 10 Commandments... something about not killing? In fact, seems to me that the Jesus opposed killing in self defense as well. Something about turning the other cheek, I believe?

If you are Christian, and you love gun ownership, but hate gay marriage, you haven't been reading your religious manual." Friend S. Via Facebook

* Slightly edited, one word taken out.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Guns Are Like Pee in a Pool

 guns in the U.S. are like pee in the pool. They’re not going away.  And the more people lose their jobs to automation, and the more the rich and smart and lucky get the best educations, and the best jobs, and the best opportunities, the wider the difference will be between “most” people, and those at the top. Meanwhile, the media will be showing everyone how the top 20% live. The nice houses, the nice cars, the pretty wives, etc. That’s what they’re selling to everyone, but 80% will never get it. So, expect more public shootings." Government and Mental Health

Guns In America

“Friends, the conversation is indeed about guns. It’s about guns and America’s gun lust culture. It’s about guns because automatic and semi automatic guns/rifles offer individuals the opportunity to kill large groups of people at the same time. If it’s not about guns, then why aren’t we allowed to own bombs, tanks, and other mass killing devices? Because bombs offer individuals the opportunity to kill lots of people. You don’t hear anybody barking, “Bombs don’t kill people…” Why? Because it’s idiotic. And like bombs, guns/rifles with semi automatic to automatic capabilities that feature 30+ round magazines offer individuals the same chance, to kill lots of people. Yes, murder is something that people have always done, but your “Cain killed Abel” examples are irrelevant to this debate. Most scholars believe that Cain likely used a rock, stick, or bone to kill Abel. Had Dylann Roof walked into that South Carolina church with a rock or a stick or a bone or a knife or even a double barrel shotgun, the outcome would have been very different. Sure, some people will always want to kill other people, but our culture’s gun lust has aided in giving that individual the power to easily kill people, lots of people if he wants to. So, the conversation is indeed about guns, people’s access to guns, the places where people can carry guns, the kinds of guns that can be legally purchased and legally manufactured, the size and round capacity of magazines, and the culture of violence and gun-love here in America that is mostly unfounded in the rest of the world. And honestly, go ahead; call us progressive idiots or liberal minded morons or whatever you want, but the more you try to distract from what the conversation is really about–guns!–the more impassioned we become" Matthew Paul Turner ☀

Doyle vs Gonzalez Road Rage Incident

As an American Catholic of German Irish descent, Gun owner, FOID card holder and dormer armed security guard I condone Doyle's actions and intimidation and cold blooded murder that reminds me of Hitler's Germany, where many minorities and others were killed. I pray for Gonzalez's family and children. What Doyle did was rebuke Jesus and Moses moral teachings, commuting insane evil for the devil himself.

Friday, July 24, 2015

2nd Amendment and Gun Control

“The grassroots adherents of Second Amendment fundamentalism may not work in law enforcement, but they do forcefully shape the political culture that indirectly keeps this country’s uniquely harsh criminal justice policies in place. The same politics of fear that has incubated our punitive hyperincarceration state also directly feeds these citizen-protectors’ positive, if delusional, self-image as brave and useful men. This passionate, self-interested attachment to a vision of the United States as violent and chaotic—even in the face of historically low crime rates—continually blocks the drastic reform that our criminal justice system badly needs. Our robust, everyday gun culture is part of the reason why punishment and protection are not just simply the goals of law-enforcement agencies but have come to be the guiding paradigms for government policy in general. (Sociologist Jonathan Simon calls this “governing through crime”; Carlson refers to the “seepage” of the state’s policing duties into a generalized civic duty.)" Have Guns, Will Liberate via azspot.net

Monday, July 20, 2015

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Guns and God

“Guns lack efficacy and are nothing more than idols set up to the bloodthirsty gods of the past. And because we believe Jesus is in control of his world, Christians can be the first—individually and collectively—to destroy all weapons designed to kill other human beings. Such weapons have no place in God’s future (There will be no AK-47 in the New Creation), and as such they have no value in the lives of Christians now." Race, Guns and the Church (by Jeff Cook) ☀

The Confederate flag

“Unlike the Germans after World War II who collectively shouldered blame for the Holocaust and the war’s devastation, America’s white Southerners never confessed to the evil that they had committed by enslaving African-Americans and then pushing the United States into a bloody Civil War in their defense of human bondage. Instead of a frank admission of guilt, there have been endless excuses and obfuscations. Confederate apologists insist that slavery wasn’t really all that bad for blacks, that the North’s hands weren’t clean either, that the Civil War was really just about differing interpretations of the Constitution, that white Southerners were the real victims here – from Sherman’s March to the Sea to Reconstruction. Some white Southerners still prefer to call the conflict “the war of Northern aggression.” Confronting Southern ‘Victimhood’ ☀

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

White Supremacy

“For far too long, white supremacy has dominated the politics of America resulting in the creation of racist laws and cultural practices designed to subjugate non-whites. And the emblem of the confederacy, the stars and bars, in all its manifestations, has long been the most recognizable banner of this political ideology. It’s the banner of racial intimidation and fear whose popularity experiences an uptick whenever black Americans appear to be making gains economically and politically in this country." Bree Newsome ☀

God Given Rights, Race Wars and Dylan Roof's Bigotry

“The belief in God-given possession flows like a vampire virus through the veins of this country. We eagerly draw lifeblood from as much of the world as possible, in land, natural resources, and cheap labor. What does it mean to be born in a place that measures your value, your worth, your very life by the calculus of possession? That calculus extends through time to us from those founding greed-filled moments invading our waking consciousness and driving us forward in a strange confession. We believe in competition born of the desire to possess. We believe in striving against others for the sake of survival and growth. We believe that excellence emerges from struggle, from the isometric pressure of opposing forces pushing against each other with all their strength until weakness of mind, body, idea, institution, and company are rubbed away through the heat generated by life forces exposed in conflict." Dylann Roof Was Wrong: The Race War Isn’t Coming, It’s Here ☀

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Social Justice, Catholic Activism and our Supreme Court

Remember that there is nothing socialist in nature about free healthcare (Jesus was socialist in nature) and Hitler and Stalin persecuted gay people, executing ones in unofficial gay marriages, radical Islamic extremists do the same.

 Our Supreme Court is an extension of our Constitution and the rulings represent social experimentation turning into social progress and social justice (I say this as a Historian).
 Remember: President Obama did volunteer work for the RCC in Chicago for 12 Parishes during the 80's, his roots are Catholic activist in nature and represent social justice like Pope Francis.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Charleston Shooter a Confederate Sympathizer

“The Charleston shooter simply put into practice what many white Americans – in McKinney and elsewhere – already believe. He’s a confederate sympathizer in a state that still flies the Confederate flag. How is this surprising at all?" Via azspot.net

Sunday, May 31, 2015

RIP Beau Biden

Condolences to Joe Biden, his son passed away of brain cancer last night. His wife and daughter I believe were killed in a car crash in the 70's. One of many struggles like in the Kennedy family.


 I hope, on a side note, that John Kerry recovers from his bicycle crash in Sweden.

President Obama on the passing of Beau Biden

A Statement From The White House About The Biden Family...

 "Michelle and I are grieving tonight. Beau Biden was a friend of ours. His beloved family – Hallie, Natalie, and Hunter – are friends of ours. And Joe and Jill Biden are as good as friends get.

 Beau took after Joe. He studied the law, like his dad, even choosing the same law school. He chased a life of public service, like his dad, serving in Iraq and as Delaware’s Attorney General. Like his dad, Beau was a good, big-hearted, devoutly Catholic and deeply faithful man, who made a difference in the lives of all he touched – and he lives on in their hearts.
 But for all that Beau Biden achieved in his life, nothing made him prouder; nothing made him happier; nothing claimed a fuller focus of his love and devotion than his family.
 Just like his dad.

 Joe is one of the strongest men we’ve ever known. He’s as strong as they come, and nothing matters to him more than family. It’s one of the things we love about him. And it is a testament to Joe and Jill – to who they are – that Beau lived a life that was full; a life that mattered; a life that reflected their reverence for family.

 The Bidens have more family than they know. In the Delaware they love. In the Senate Joe reveres. Across this country that he has served for more than forty years. And they have a family right here in the White House, where hundreds of hearts ache tonight – for Hallie, Natalie, and Hunter; for Joe and for Jill; for Beau’s brother, Hunter; his sister, Ashley, and for the entire Biden clan.

“I have believed the best of every man,” wrote the poet William Butler Yeats, “And find that to believe it is enough to make a bad man show him at his best or even a good man swing his lantern higher.”

Beau Biden believed the best of us all. For him, and for his family, we swing our lanterns higher.

 Michelle and I humbly pray for the good Lord to watch over Beau Biden, and to protect and comfort his family here on Earth." —President Obama on the passing of Beau Biden

Friday, May 22, 2015

Christian Republicans and forced altruism

“Not only is taking care of the poor one of the principle roles of the local church, I believe that a Christian doesn’t have a biblical leg to stand on if they want to argue against public government assistance." Christian Republicans and forced altruism

Friday, May 15, 2015

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Sentenced to Death 💀

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been sentenced to death for his part in the bombing of the Boston Marathon.

That is all.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Tom Tomorrow: Responses to Baltimore ☀

The Insanity That Is Texas

Let me be blunt, or blunter than I’ve already been: anybody, anybody, who believes President Obama is about to send the United Nations to invade Texas, declare martial law, and herd Texans into FEMA Death Camps Of Death cleverly hidden in a secret network of continent spanning tunnels linking Wal-Marts across the nation, anybody who believes this ridiculous howling bullshit in any way whatsoever should be darted with powerful tranquilizers, netted from black helicopters, pumped full of happy juice before they start eating their own feces, and installed in a dark padded cell where the most dangerous thing they encounter each day is a small plastic cup of institutional butterscotch pudding pushed through a small opening in the bottom of the door with a stick. Jade Helm: The Insanity that Ate Texas

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Regarding gun control: in the 1960's

Regarding gun control:

 "A great many men seemed to regard all proposals for righter controls as a challenge to their virility. The powerful National Rifle Association urged it's half million members to write Washington, and it's lobbyists went to work on Congressman with the spacious reasoning that "it's the man that kills, not the rifle".

 They demanded the passage of another (Hicken looper) bill, which would merely prevent the importing of guns bot made by American firms.

 Katzenbach pointed out in vain that the association was not protecting sportsmen's rights, but the profit's of commercial gun dealers.

 "Anti Gun Extremists are at It Again" Field and Stream warned it's readers and Outdoor Life declared that "Gun owners should switch to the offense".

 They did: In Texas they were esp militant.
 Elsewhere in the country courts took a benign view of some 20,000 gun control laws enacted on municipal and state levels.

 In Dallas an ordinance restricting the possession of weapons had been struck down by a local judge in 1962 on the ground that it would have been "an unauthorized invasion of a natural right the citizens of this state have never relinquished to their rulers".
 Presumably, "their rulers" meant the government of the United States and the assassination didn't change the feeling.
 Once his arm had healed, Governor Connolly called upon Texas Congressional delegation to oppose the Dodd bill, and Texas Republicans, meeting in Dallas, passed a resolution opposing any limitation on the right of private individuals to to buy and use guns".

 Death of a President November 1963, author and Historian William Manchester, Epilogue Legend, page 632

Friday, April 24, 2015

Regarding President Kennedy's assassination and gun control

Regarding President Kennedy's assassination and gun control:

 "In the wake of the assassination the pressure for such legislation (small arms control) seemed irresistible: A Gallup poll revealed that 8 out of 10 Americans favored new laws requiring police permits of weapon buyers. Robert Kennedy asked Congress to outlaw the mail order traffic, supportive mail engulfed the Hill, and in the weeks after the funeral Senator Thomas Dodd of Connecticut introduced a sensible bill to ban mail order sales, bar weapons from.abroad unsuitable for sporting use, forbid sales to people under twenty one, and require all purchasers to identity themselves so police could later trace them.
 The American Bar Association endorsed it and was ignored. The Director of the U.S. Bureau of Prisons pointed out "After all, cars have to be registered and drivers licensed" and was unheard.

 Indeed, though 18 such measures were introduced on the Hill , none of the gun laws went off.

 The United States remained the only modern nation in the world without firm regulation of the sale and use of firearms -- Oswald couldn't have assassinated Kennedy in Russia -- and in 1964 some 600,000 cheap firearms were brought into the country."

 Death of a President November 1963, Epilogue Legend, pages 631-632, author William Manchester (1st edition, 1967)

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Indiana = Nazi Germany

Fascist states always start out with those in power discriminating against those who cannot fight back.

Monday, March 9, 2015


“If you support war, you should be the first person to go to war. If you don’t you just want someone else to die for your views, and you are a moral coward." Zwinglius Redivivus ☀

Sunday, February 15, 2015


“Those who declare taxes to be theft either forget or fail to grasp that it is taxes that pay for the maintenance of those institutions on which legitimate claims of ownership or theft depend for their intelligibility and force in the first place." Dispatches from Libertopia: An Anthology of Wingnut Chestnuts and Democratizing Remedies

Reagen Staff Members that support Obama

"Among the Obamacons were Ken Duberstein, Ronald Reagan’s chief of staff; Charles Fried, Reagan’s solicitor general; Ken Adelman, director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency for Reagan; Jeffrey Hart, longtime senior editor of National Review; Colin Powell, Reagan’s national security adviser and secretary of state for George W. Bush; and Scott McClellan, Bush’s press secretary. There were many others as well."

via President Obama is a Republican via The American Conservative and azspot.net

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

When Christians get defensive...

"When Christians get defensive and indignant about being reminded of the sins of our ancestors like slavery and the crusades, it indicates that we don’t really believe that Jesus died for those sins. There is nothing morally superior about Christians. We simply have a powerful resource in Jesus’ cross for being humble and truthful about our past and present shortcomings. The response of many Christians to President Obama’s prayer breakfast remarks suggests that they haven’t yet put their faith in Jesus’ cross." Morgan Guyton via azspot.net

Friday, February 6, 2015

Ben Franklin on Smallpox

"In 1736 I lost one of my sons, a fine boy of four years old, by the small-pox, taken in the common way. I long regretted bitterly, and still regret that I had not given it to him by inoculation. This I mention for the sake of parents who omit that operation, on the supposition that they should never forgive themselves if a child died under it; my example showing that the regret may be the same either way, and that, therefore, the safer should be chosen." Ben Franklin via azspot.net

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Bowl Thoughts...

Downtown Abbey > Superbowl XLIX." Via friend Tyler M. On Facebook

Gun Logic

"Someone on FB posted that their house was invaded yesterday while they were home. The animals alerted that something was wrong. The occupant found the invader coming in through the recently jimmied sliding glass door. The occupant pretended to take a photo of the invader (though the camera had not yet loaded. GOOD THINKING!).

The invader said something threatening. The occupant retreated to the bedroom, locked the door, and called the police. The invader fled.

Now, the occupant insists that the only smart thing to do is buy a gun for home protection.
 Does anyone besides me see a flaw in this logic?" Via friend William H.
on Facebook

Monday, January 26, 2015

Donald Trump is a Pompous Jackass

“Donald Trump got a standing ovation today at the Iowa Freedom Summit when he promised that if he won the presidency he would defeat the Islamic State, build a fence along the nation’s southern border to stop illegal immigration, repeal Obama’s Affordable Care Act, and stand up to Democrats. He said Republican politicians had let Obama “get away with absolute murder,” that Mitt Romney “choked” in the 2012 campaign and shouldn’t be nominated again, and Jeb Bush is unsuitable because he’s “very, very weak” on immigration and supports Common Core educational standards. The news here isn’t that Trump is a pompous ignorant right-wing megalomaniac.

That’s well established. The news is that the Republican Party hasn’t learned a thing since the last presidential election when a Star Wars barroom of neo-isolationists, fundamentalists, and racists split the GOP into warring factions that, financed by a handful of wealthy reactionaries, flamed on for a year or more and fueled the fanaticism that’s become the lifeblood of the party. (Sarah Palin is signaling this weekend she may be in the running, too.) That one of the two major parties of America is incapable of seriously governing poses a clear and present danger to the Republic." Robert Reich ☀

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Why Detroit Failed

Why Detroit failed:

 The key decision-makers – major shareholders in General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, etc, and the boards of directors they selected – made many disastrous decisions. They failed in competition with European and Japanese automobile capitalists and so lost market share to them. They responded too slowly and inadequately to the need to develop new fuel-saving technologies. And, perhaps most tellingly, they responded to their own failures by deciding to move production out of Detroit so they could pay other workers lower wages.

 The automobile companies’ competitive failures, and then their moves, had two key economic consequences. First, they effectively undermined the economic foundation of Detroit’s economy. Second, they thereby dealt a major blow to any chances for an enduring US middle class. The past 40 years have displayed those consequences and the capitalist system’s inability or unwillingness to stop, let alone reverse, them.

 Real wages in the US stopped growing in the 1970s, and have not grown since, even as workers’ rising productivity generated even more profits for employers. Rising consumer debt and overwork postponed for a few years the impacts of stagnant real wages on consumption. But by 2007, with wages stagnant and further consumer borrowing capacity exhausted, a long and deep crisis arrived. Employers used the resulting unemployment to attack job security and benefits and the public sector built up in the 1950s and 1960s to support the middle class (for example, by low-cost public higher education).

 Auto industry capitalists took the lead and Detroit exemplified the economic decline that resulted. In the deep crisis since 2007, General Motors and Chrysler got federal bailouts, but Detroit did not. The auto companies got wage reductions (via the tiered wage system) that assured Detroit’s wage-based economy could not recover, even as auto company production and profits did. The failures of private capitalism thus drew in the complicity of the federal government. Via azspot.net, Detroit's failure is a distinctively capitalistic one

MLK Jr. and Whites

“Martin Luther King, Jr., sided with the blacks and the poor. He organized protest movements and strikes. These actions were directed against the white racism and the capitalistic society in his country. But at the same time he was constantly concerned about the white people, unredeemed and enslaved by their pride and anxiety. He mobilized the marches of the blacks and the poor, not for revenge against the whites but for the redemption of the black and white alike from their mutual estrangement." Moltmann ☀

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Things the Republican Party could not bring themselves to clap for tonight, a (much) condensed list.
 An improving economy
 A soaring stock market
 Americans getting health insurance
 Mention of "solar power"
 Tax cuts for working families (A tax cut Republicans don't like?)"
 Affordable childcare
 Tax cuts for families with children (Another one?)
 Equal pay for women
 "America has put more people back to work than Europe, Japan, and all advanced economies combined."
 A "free and open internet"
 Rewarding companies that "invest in America" (C'mon, really?)
 "Working Americans"
 A resolution for the use of the force against ISIL
 "Trying something new" with Cuba
 Acknowledging that climate change exists
 Prohibiting Torture
 Not persecuting "people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender."
 Closing Gitmo
 Making "voting easier for every single American"
 To be fair, many of those are controversial. Those working Americans are probably up to something.
 -daily kos

President Obama is winning

As always, esp. in his SOTU address last night.

President Obama: "cause I won both campaigns"

...in the State of the Union address just now, President Obama says he's going to do what's best for America because he doesn't have any more campaigns to run, to which the Republican dominated Congress applauds.
 Obama responds, "I know, cause I won the last two elections."
Friend Khan via Facebook ^_^

President Obama's SOTU Address last night

Was fantastic.

"To CEO's and business owners: if you want something done, hire a Veteran."

"I won both campaigns" quote

"Try feeding or supporting a family on less then 15k a year"

"We will continue the fight against ISIS"

President Obama talked about free speech and other pressing matters as well.

The Republicans and conservatives will continue to oppose him, even though he is a moderate middle of the road, in many ways conservative like GWB.

And no he is not dividing our country but right wingers are.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

American Sniper

"FYI: If you are marching into a state capitol with a couple hundred of your buddies armed to the teeth and wearing tactical gear, Snipers aren't on the roof because you're "standing up for freedom" they're on the roof because you look like ISIS.
" Friend Mike via Facebook