Monday, October 31, 2011

An open letter to Libertarians, Republicans and Conservatives regarding the poor from a Liberal Christian

A response to a friend's message to me on facebook
who is a Libertarian. This message also apply's to
Republicans and Conservatives regarding why
the government should help people out and
not just individuals and religious institutions
such as Church's.

"In regards to your statements and my own
opinions on the matter regarding government:

1. Government in the U.S. was founded on religious freedom
but that does not mean we should abandon religious teachings
and morals.

First let's define government:


A body of people that sets and administers public policy, and exercises executive, political, and sovereign power through customs, institutions, and laws within a state."


So as you can see the government consists
of actual people and not mindless robots!

Most of the people in the U.S. Government
consider themselves Christian btw.

It is an extension of us in a way.

2. Often times I hear people saying or making
claims that taxing is a form of stealing esp.
when it is done to rich people. I fail to
see how this is considered stealing.

People pay taxes to the government on
their own accord and have free will to
choose not to pay taxes to them as well.

See here:

Taxing the Rich More Is Stealing?

3. Since this nation is mainly Christian we should
follow what Jesus taught us to do in regards to helping
people. While Churches and religious people do help
a lot of people out there are some restrictions that
apply even to organizations such as Catholic Charities
and the Salvation Army.

I have volunteered for these organizations as well as Church food pantry's and
here is what help poor people tend to get in my area which is near Chicago which is the Southwest Suburbs:

1. A few bags of food every 4 months enough
to do 2 people a week at the most. Some
people with big families tend to get a little
more. Most of the food is canned food
that is outdated although some fresh
food, meat and even $5 food gift
cards to grocery stores are sometimes
given out but not always.

Larger charities such as Catholic Charities
may help people out on a monthly basis
but only to residents that live in a certain
area and again only one or two bags of food
and a $5-$10 gift card.

A Church in my area has 2,000 members in it
The Lighthouse Church and only one member
out of all of them helps out with her family
anyone that needs help. The Pastor won't
even help out.

This places a need for then not just Church's and
individuals helping out. I've come across many
people who depend on link or snap cards aka
food stamps to feed their family's from the
public aid government office.

These people are hard workers who make
between $35,000-$25,000  year and work
full time and even though some of them have
family members that help them out is it not
enough for them to get by or live on.

I also know middle class people whom have
had to depend on the government for help
in regards to food and medical care.

Without county hospitals many people
who are uninsured would not have
the proper medication to live such as
insulin, blood pressure pills, heart meds,
pain medication, etc. or the proper

Taxes are to thank for this.

Simply put there are many individuals
who help people out but they can only
do so much as the need to help people
out is constant almost and never ending.

This is where the government comes in handy. 

They can do a more effective job then individuals can and religious institutions by enacting  programs to help people  out by educating them, giving jobs to those who are able to work, and providing housing, food, medical care and other programs to help people live and get by.

They can also put a large amount of money into these
programs as well to fund them and put less of a burden
on Church's and individuals except in regards to paying
higher taxes (hey if we can spend billions a month on
going to war and space programs like NASA we can
spend a little to help out our fellow man, right?)

In regards to forcing people I don't see how
anyone can be forced to do anything that
was mentioned in your quote and at
gunpoint? I don't see how anyone
is using guns to force anyone into
giving money.

Also see the facebook page The Christian Left their
info section. Thanks.

Whew! That was a long message.



p.s. See this link here:

Government exists to help the poor

"Government (at least in the United States) has a number of jobs

1. Defense of the country
2. Welfare programs and programs for those who cant afford health care
3. Enforcing minimum wage
4. Homeless shelters
5. School Systems
6. Other Public services
7. Carrying out justice.

So really when you do consider it, government (at least the US government) exists to help the poor, whether it be those who are poor in money, poor in education, poor in defense, poor in health, poor in justice."

Also on a side note Happy Halloween everybody!

Monday, September 26, 2011

23 Achievments Of The Democratic Party by

Here is an excellent article from the great pro liberal and Democratic website 23 Achievments Of The Democratic Party by from August 24, 2011 listing over two dozen achievments of the
Democratic party. Enjoy ;)

"After constant battling back and forth, conservatives and liberals will go to their graves defending their ideology. No matter what side of the aisle you stand on, you have probably had a debate about many issues. At they sell a great t-shirt that I have worn myself many times. On the back is a list of 23 great programs brought to you by the Democratic Party. Not surprisingly, many of these programs are today being targeted by the Republican Party who remain as unconcerned as ever that the loss of such programs would lead the United States in a downward spiral…unless people really start standing up for what is right.Here is the list from the back of the shirt. Again, the list could go on forever but these are just a few of the great programs.
1. Women’s Suffrage Movement
2. Securities Exchange Act of 1934
3. Social Security Act
4. Unemployment Compensation
5. Rural Electrification Act
6. Federal Home Loan Program
7. 40 hour work week
8. Minimum Wage
9. Over Time
10. GI Bill
11. School Lunch
12. Marshal Plan
13. NATO
14. Peace Corps
15. First manned moon mission
16. Civil Rights Act
17. Medicare
18. Medicaid
19. Voting Rights Act
20. Head Start
21. Guaranteed Student Loan Program
22. Family & Medical Leave Act
23. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Edited By: Sherri Yarbrough"

An excellent list.

Friday, August 12, 2011

100 Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican

By Stephen D. Foster Jr.

From 100 things you can say to irritate a republican

Conservatives are so easy to anger these days. Even the most insignificant statement can set off their tempers. If you want to enrage a conservative, I suggest saying the following:

1. A Socialist wrote the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Jesus healed the sick and helped the poor, for free.
3. Joseph McCarthy was an un-American, witch hunting sissy.
4. Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee were traitors.
5. The South lost the Civil War, get over it.
6. The Founding Fathers were liberals.
7. Fascism is a right-wing trait.
8. Sarah Palin is an ugly cow (said to conservative males).
9. The Earth is round.
10. Reagan raised taxes eleven times as President.
11. Reagan legalized abortion as Governor of California.
12. Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency.
13. Ronald Reagan supported gun control.
14. Global warming is real.
15. Republicans hate illegal immigrants, unless they need their lawns mowed or their houses cleaned.
16. The military is a government-run institution, so why do Republicans approve the defense budget?
17. The Cold War is over and the Soviet Union no longer exists.
18. Paying taxes is patriotic.
19. Republicans: Peddling the same failed economic policies since 1880.
20. The Republican Party began as a liberal party.
21. The Presidents’ full name is Barack Hussein Obama and he was born in the United States of America.
22. George W. Bush held hands with the King of Saudi Arabia.
23. President Obama saved the American auto industry, while Republicans wanted to destroy it.
24. Hate is not a Christian virtue.
25. Jesus was a liberal.
26. Republicans spend MORE money than Democrats.
27. Tea parties are for little girls.
28. Public schools educate all children; private schools are for indoctrinating children.
29. The Constitution is the law, NOT the Bible.
30. Sharia law doesn’t exist in America.
31. The President is NOT a Muslim.
32. Corporations are NOT people. People are people.
33. Fox News isn’t real news, it’s just a racist, sexist, hateful, right-wing propaganda machine.
34. The Federal Reserve was a Republican idea.
35. Women are equal citizens who deserve equal rights.
36. Women control their own bodies.
37. Abortion is a relevant medical procedure, just ask Rick Santorum.
38. Please use spell check.
39. It’s “pundit”, not “pundint”.
40. Social Security is solvent through 2038.
41. Health care is a right, not a product.
42. Roe v. Wade was a bipartisan ruling made by a conservative leaning Supreme Court.
43. G.O.P also stands for Gross Old Perverts.
44. The donkey shouldn’t be the Democratic mascot because Republicans are the real jackasses.
45. Barack Obama ordered the killing of Osama Bin Laden. It took him two and half years to do what Bush couldn’t do in eight.
46. Waterboarding IS torture.
47. 9/11 happened on George W. Bush’s watch, therefore he did NOT keep America safe.
48. Republicans invaded Iraq for oil, so Iraq should be allowed to invade Texas to get it back.
49. Separation of church and state is in the Constitution, it’s called the First Amendment.

50. Muslims are protected by the Constitution, just as much as Christian
51. Barack Obama is the first African-American President, get over it.
52. The Oval Office is NOT a “whites only” office.
53. America is a nation of immigrants, therefore we are all anchor babies.
54. The white race isn’t disappearing, it’s evolving.
55. God is a particle.
56. Evolution is real.
57. The Earth is 4.54 billion years old, not 6,000.
58. The Founding Fathers did not free the slaves.
59. The Revolution was NOT fought over slavery.
60. Paul Revere warned the Americans, NOT the British.
61. Federal law trumps state law.
62. The Civil War was about slavery, NOT state’s rights.
63. Corporations care more about profits than they do about people.
64. Getting out of a recession requires government spending.
65. Glenn Beck is a nut-job.
66. Republicans: Paranoid since 1932.
67. Republicans don’t want to pay for your birth control, but they want you to pay for their Viagra.
68. Republicans actually NEED Viagra.
69. Fox News is owned by an Australian and has a Saudi prince as an investor.
70. Republicans complain about immigrants taking American jobs, then freely give American jobs to foreigners overseas.
71. Republicans hate communism, so why do they refer to themselves as red states?
72. Labor unions built this country.
73. Republicans hold America hostage as a political strategy; the temper tantrum throwing kind of political strategy.
75. When Republicans see black, they attack.
76. Inside every Republican is a Klansman or a Nazi waiting to bloom.
77. Republicans only care about children BEFORE they are born.
78. Republicans are hypocrites, they’re just too stupid to know it.
79. The Christian-Right boycotts movies that have violence, and then promotes guns and insurrection.
80. I think therefore I am NOT a Republican.
81. Republicans that oppose gay marriage are most likely in the closet themselves.
82. Churches should stay out of politics, or be taxed.
83. People are too poor to vote Republican.
84. Democrats think for themselves, Republicans form think tanks to do it for them.
85. Republicans hate education because they couldn’t hack it in school.
86. Greed is one of the seven deadly sins and Republicans wallow in it.
87. A little socialism on the Left is better than a little fascism on the Right.
88. The current corporate tax rate is the lowest in 60 years, so stop whining about it being too high.
89. Republicans: Anti-Gay Marriage, Pro-Lesbian sex.
90. Republicans: Terrorizing the American people since 1981.
91. Republicans have their own terrorists, just look up Timothy McVeigh.
92. Republicans love outsourcing, just ask the Chinese Communists.
93. The Republican answer to the oil spill was to apologize to BP, a foreign oil company.
94. Democrats will be working hard to bring jobs to Americans, while the Republicans tea bag each other in the middle of the aisles.
95. Voter disenfranchisement is immoral and un-American, that’s why Republicans do it.
96. Republicans would let your house burn down unless you pay them to put it out.
97. Democrats want to take care of the sick. Republicans take their credit cards and then deny them medical attention.
98. Republicans say teachers are union thugs, then proceed to rape and mug the entire middle class on behalf of corporations.
99. Republicans think rape isn’t a crime, but miscarriages are.
100. Republicans are idiots and arguing with them is a waste of time!

Bottom line? If you want to anger a conservative, tell them the truth.

Edited By: Alexis Atherton

Note: This was a great list lol!

Thanks goes to facebook friend Jen for posting this.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Welcome to my new blog on politics!

Welcome to my new blog on politics!

This blog is dedicated to fighting the Republican machine
and ideals that threaten democracy and society as a whole.