Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Freddie Grey Was Murdered

It's a simple fact: Freddie Grey was murdered by careless, agressive and in different police officers that are corrupt.

The Justice Dept and all Judges will alwayd acquit police officers, they are ineffective and useless pigshit.

The Clinton Delusion

"Dissent will not be tolerated. Protest will not be permitted. You will shut the hell up and get on the Clinton bus as it rolls towards a future slightly less terrifying than Trump nation and you will goddamn smile about it. "Bad Moon Rising ☀

Sanders and His Followers

What Sanders and his followers want are real politics, a programme for measurable change- a living wage, debt-free college, an end to private prisons. What Hillary’s people want is a Democrat in charge. Any Democrat. But the mood of the American people is populist, and the Democrats have decided that populism is not to be tolerated. There’s a chasm between the party and the people they claim to stand for, and it’s the kind of chasm that monsters emerge from. Bad Moon Rising 
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John and Danny Testa of Hometown, Illinois

I misd you guys. I often think about you. I last saw you in 2000. I am ok, close to Oaklawn, IL. I remeber my Mom took you guys out and me to Chuck E. Cheeses and Pizza Plus, Arcades and such. I still am a hardcore video game fanatic, lol. Hope you guys are ok. - Rob K.

Black People, DNC Betrayed Bernie Sanders

The mind of Black culture sometimes has backward and incorrect thinking. An exampleof this is that Black people like Whoopi Goldberg and others thibk Bernie is part of the establishment when in fact he is not. It is the other way around

Hilary Clinton grew up in a rich Jewish suburb, Park Ridge, IL. She had money, yhe best healthcare and schools to attend. Even as a woman, she never had to face adversity or much discrimination.

She has amassed over  $200 Million during her life. It is obvious that she is negligent regarding security and national interests. She is indifferent to suffering. She is a hawk, a warmonger.

Bernie Sanders on the other hand is the complete opposite and anti establishment. He is very much like President Obama.

Democrats Always Prove Commies Right

The scorched-earth campaign waged against Sanders and his supporters by the Democratic establishment and its mouthpieces at Vox, the Daily Beast, the Washington Post, etc., is not merely to prevent a Sanders nomination. The point is to so tar Sanders supporters with slurs and empty accusations of bigotry as to ensure that they gain no appreciable influence within the party in the future. And the purpose of that is to reassure the donor class that all of the populist talk going on within the party is just that: talk, a way to try and revive the dormant enthusiasm of the 2008 election and secure the presidency. The attitude of career Democrats is that the left should simultaneously be subject to constant ridicule and marginalization, and yet should be expected to vote in lockstep along party lines with unerring fidelity. That’s the Democrat message to the left: “we get your votes; you get nothing.” And nothing is precisely what we have to show for it.Democrats always prove the commies right

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Knowing and Beleving

There is a difference between knowing and believing. We may know that the earth turns, but we believe, as we say, that the sun rises. We know by evidence, or by trust in people who have examined the evidence in a way that we trust is trustworthy. We may sometimes be persuaded to believe by reason, but within the welter of our experience reason is limited and weak. We believe always by coming, in some sense, to see. We believe in what is apparent, in what we can imagine or “picture” in our minds, in what we feel to be true, in what our hearts tell us, in experience, in stories— above all, perhaps, in stories. We can, to be sure, see parts and so believe in them. But there has always been a higher seeing that informs us that parts, in themselves, are of no worth. Genesis is right: “It is not good that the man should be alone.” The phrase “be alone” is a contradiction in terms. A brain alone is a dead brain. A man alone is a dead man. We are thus as likely to be wrong in what we know as in what we believe. Wendell Berry 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Black Lives Matter

Well, there will never, ever be peace without justice. There will never be calmness without accountability. There will never be order without fairness. So when I hear the authorities call for peace and call for calmness and call for order, I say, yes, but it’s not the absence of tension. It’s got to be the presence of that justice and accountability and that fairness. When I hear the authorities – even President Obama says, well, the attack on the police is an attack on all of us. I said, OK, but an attack on black people, especially black youth, is also attack on all of us. If, in fact, the attack on the police is an assault on all of us, then when the police unfairly maims and murders civilians, the police is killing on behalf of all of us. Well, I don’t want the police killing on behalf of me. I want the police to be treated with respect and fairly, and I want black youth and brown youth, black men and black women to be treated fairly. Cornel West 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Nice, France Victims

May the victims RIP.

Nice, France Killer

Each bullet from the police that hit the psycho driver mass murderer in Nice, France hit him with the force of a solid wooden baseball bat swinging at 100mph. That shitfuck asshole ate lead.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Do Not Hire Officer Jeronimo Yanez

He is a cold blooded murderer that shot civilian Philando Castile dead. This officer is prone to over reactions, racism, intense fear, poor decision making skills, intense anger and is only concerned with their own safety. This officer displays no remorse and has not publicly apologized. He is partly responsible for the deaths of the 5 Dallas police officers.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Philando Castile

Officer pig #JeronimoYanez killed civilian PhilandoCastile for no reason other then fear and racial profiling, overreaction and hatred.The

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Kim Lacapria: Snopes Icon, Internet Hero, Myth Buster

Beautiful. Smart too. Great researcher and journalist as well. These are only a few words that describe Kim Lacapria (Stalker free zone here btw) that is doing such a great job while Dave and Barbra M. get som much needed finger rest while they travel Europe and the world and do Bigfoot research.

Hillary Clinton, FBI and Careless Emails

SOS Clinton's handlng of confidential to top secret information is very troubling and disconcerning. As someone in computer security this shows that even top people need better training in computer security. She did a no no by using mobile devices with top secret info in hostile territory's.

Clinton is on par with Nixon as far as I'm concerned. I have no faith in the Justice Dept and they will def. take the FBI's recommendation not to prosecute her.

She has too many connections in Washington, ia well protected by lawyers and in her followers eyes can do no wrong.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Guns and Christians

"The bottom line here is that as a Christian, as someone who calls Jesus Lord, you simply do not get to appeal to your “right” to kill someone with your gun in self-defense. You lose that right when you give your life to Christ. It is really that simple. To hold on to your gun as Charlton Heston says, until it is “pulled from your cold dead hand” is to hold on to your sin, just as much as it would be to hold on to your riches or hold on to your sexual exploits instead of following Jesus. This needs to be said. We should not kid ourselves and think we can hold on to our swords and still follow Jesus. There is a clear and direct conflict here, and to ignore it is to ignore Jesus as Lord." Christ vs the Constitution: Why Christians Do Not Have the Right to Bear Arms ☀

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

NRA Nonsense

Another popular bullshit line asks why should we bother passing laws – since the “bad guys” don’t bother with laws anyway. This sounds really savvy until you start to dig in. By that logic we shouldn’t outlaw murder either, because murderers don’t follow the law, right? But if it weren’t illegal, then we wouldn’t be able to put someone in jail for murdering someone. Right? And if we make owning automatic weapons illegal, we don’t have to wait until we catch you killing 49 people in a night club on a Saturday night. We can arrest you as soon as we see that you have in your possession a gun whose only use is to mow down dozens of people. This would of course prevent some number of murders by automatic weapon. NRA nonsense 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Christina Grimmies Killer

The pyscho that killed singer Christina Grimmie was nothing but a hate filled, pyschotic pile of pigshit. He never accomplished anything in his life nor to society. I don't know his name but I'm glad he was tackled by Christina's brother whom tried to save her. This fucking pig and coward then blew his fucking brains out. May he burn either in hell or oblivion for eternity for his hate and killing Christina.

Friday, June 17, 2016


The syllogism is simple: first in 1966 with Ronald Reagan, then in 1968 and 1972 with Richard Nixon, Republicans ascended to higher office by pinning on the Democrats responsibility for riots and disruptive protests carried out on the left, successfully framing themselves (as I detailed in my 2008 book Nixonland) as the preservers of order and decorum in a society that seemed to be falling into chaos. The Chaotic Trump Campaign 
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Thursday, June 16, 2016

A Tribute To Facebook Group Shipwreck Island

A tribute to Shipwrwck Island on Facebook, with Etty, Morgan, William, Charles, Jennifer and the other castaways (I'm Gillagan).

What makes the AR-15 an assault weapon ☀

After another mass shooting in which an AR-15 most certainly posed a problem to many people trapped inside a nightclub, such a blasé approach to powerful civilian weapons may be harder to maintain. Ludwig Wittgenstein, a great 20th-century philosopher and a veteran of the first world war, wrote in his “Philosophical Investigations” that when “we employ the word ‘meaning’,’’ we are most often referring to the everyday purpose of some phrase. “The meaning of a word”, he wrote, “is its use in the language”. By that sensible if trivial standard: if an AR-15 can be used to assault large crowds of people, killing and maiming scores of them, on multiple occasions, it qualifies as an assault weapon.

Kicked off of Shipwreck Island on Facebook

Well I'm pretty sure I've been kicked off of one of my liberal groups. Shipwreck Island on Facebook. A family member had made some bullshit right wing comments while visiting me. On a private group which SI is. They had done this before. I asked them not to while using my Android but forgot to change my passwords. Their comments represent their ignorance and do not reflect my own views which are liberal.

In any case so long Etty Block, Morgan Miller, William Govern and the many others on Shipwreck Island I've come to known over the years.

2010-2016 ❤

Sunday, June 12, 2016

War on Islamic State

War will be waged on #ISIS, #ISIL and all #Islamic extremists. This war will involve every American and Westerner and peaceful Muslims. It will be an ongoing war 24/7. It will be a war for all freedoms. For survival. Lives will be lost but others will be saved.

Every American, Westerner and many others must stand up against this threat. Sacrifices must be made. Martyrs too.

The #IslamicState is pig manure. It means nothing. It is nothing. It will be nothing. #Death to #ISIL. #Ametica will survive this #jihad and become stronger then ever before.

Condolences to #Orlando and all #LGBT's. Shame on the #NRA.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

George Zimmerman: The Mind of a Cold Blooded Murderer

Taken from Pyschology Today:

"Let's analyze Zimmerman's mind-set: He mentioned to the 911 dispatcher that there had been several burglaries in the neighborhood, and NBCMiami confirmed that there were 8 burglaries within the last 15 months, and that most of those were by young black men.

Zimmerman had called 911, 46 times during those 15 months, one of them being on April 22, 2011 to report a suspicious 7 year old black boy. A 7 year old boy? Clearly Zimmerman's was paranoid, angry and perhaps fearful. When he saw a young black male walking with a hoodie, his mind associated this with the prior burglaries and immediately jumped to the conclusion "guilty!" At that point what is a "neighborhood watch captain" to do? Why, be the hero, of course.

This led him to follow Martin. When he sees something in his hand his pre-conditioned brain immediately thinks "weapon" and when the confrontation developed, Zimmerman, as a criminal justice major understood ‘stand your ground' and twisted this into a justification. Then as things escalated and a scuffle began, his mind racing with jumbled emotion, fear, anger and thinking he was in the right, he drew the gun and shot Martin.

Trayvon Martin's death is clearly a tragedy in every sense of the word but it has nothing to do with ‘Stand Your Ground', gun control or the second amendment. This is about psychology and badly warped judgment by a single individual. A perfect storm of events, misperceptions and, yes, prejudice.

In terms of preventing a recurrence in the future? Education would be the place to start. There is no law that would have prevented this—you can't legislate good judgment."

Zimmerman displays:

Poor conflict resolution
Anger Management
Racist Mindset
Poor Judgement
Poor Impulse Control
Able To Twist Gun Laws
Wanted to Kill for Years

May hate himself for being
gay and attracted to young
Black Males

Raised to view certain types of people as inferior

Does not feel safe without a gun even
though Zimmerman is big

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Kelly Ripa Is Back!

Glad Kelly Ripa is back. Missed her. I don't know if it's true she is a diva or nor or had Regis retire (love them both) wish she was on the View sometimes. Will miss Michael. His announcement was sudden and unexpected.

P.S. Kelly would look great in pantyhose and the boots/pantyhose combo that newswomen often wear (like Chicago's Zoradia Sambolin) and other women like Rachel Ray, etc and no it does not make you look old or is out of style.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Stomp Donald Trump

My Facebook page: Stomp Donald Trump

White Ideology and Nazism

“They [Nazis] attacked liberalism because it seemed to them the principal premise of modern society; everything they dreaded seemed to spring from it: the bourgeois life, Manchesterism [laissez-faire capitalism], materialism, parliament and the parties, the lack of political leadership. Even more, they sensed in liberalism the source of all their inner sufferings. Theirs was a resentment of loneliness; their one desire was for a new faith, a new community of believers, a world with fixed standards and no doubts, a new national religion that would bind all Germans together. All this, liberalism denied. Hence, they hated liberalism, blamed it for making outcasts of them, for uprooting them from their imaginary past, and from their faith." Fritz Stern

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Race Is Social Not Biological

Taken from various Anthropology textbooks:

“Race” is always a social not a biological
Conventional Classification of “Race” is

Hair texture, skin color and facial
characteristics are arbitrary and randomly
selected Skin tone is function of evolutionary
adaptation to climate Race as conventionally used is wrong!

Do Human Subgroups Exist?

The idea of race has historically meant more
than just physical traits. The concept of race is socially constructed, meaning that it is something defined by our society. The American Anthropological Association
(AAA) states that race does not exist as a scientific category. More genetic variation exists within races than between them. An individual’s behaviour and personality are largely conditioned by his or her
culture. The idea of race has been used in the past to justify social, economic, and political inequalities and excuse hatred, cruelty, and violence. Some examples include the Nazi persecution of Jewish people, apartheid in South Africa, and the Ku Klux Klan in
North America. Racial beliefs are considered by the AAA as myths and folk beliefs and have no biological legitimacy (AAA, 1998).

Can We Study Human Variation in a Legitimate Way?

Anthropologists look at human variety and try to understand a specific trait, such as skin colour or blood type, in terms of evolutionary advantage. Blood type is an example of a trait that is easy to measure objectively.
Anthropologists have found that certain blood types are connected to certain parts of the world, but blood type does not correspond to external characteristics. Anthropologists have concluded that race is a cultural myth,
not a biological reality (O’Neill, 2010). In natural selection, traits develop to
help individuals survive and reproduce in a particular environment, but many
traits are the result of a population’s isolation or migration. Many “racial” traits, such as eye colour, probably have no evolutionary advantage at all.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Election Dayz 2016

I'd rather have a socialist Jew in the White House like Jesus rather then a ginger Hitler oompa loompa or a robot pants granny.

Message to North Korea

Your leader looks like a bloated pig and smells like one.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

U.S. History Professor Maury Wiseman

Stupid, ignorant fool for denying Native American genocide.

Whites Only 10,000 Years Old

Pictured: Early Caucasian M89. Caucasians did not exist until thousands of years ago (12,000-25,000 years ago is my estimation.)

"The “White European” phenotype as we know it today did not come into existence until after 12,000 years ago, or maybe sooner.
Before that, European Caucasians resemble Arabs. For instance, a 24,000 year old Cro-Magnon European shows DNA similarities to Near East (Arabs or the Caucasus). A 23,000 year old Italian Cro-Magnon sample genetically resembles modern Middle Easterners from Palestine, Syria, Yemen and Iran.

Cro-Magnon was not The Original White Man. He was a Middle Easterner – an Arab-Iranian type.
The original Proto-Asians came out of Africa 65,000 years ago, probably descendants of the M168 line, although NE Asians are probably partly M89.

The original Caucasians did indeed come out of Africa about 40-45,000 years ago, probably descendants of the M89 line. Whites and Caucasians in general are probably a legacy of M89 and not M168.
M89 birthed M45, which are the Proto-Amerindians of 35,000 years ago, on the steppes and in the Mongolia-Siberia region. A child of M45, M173, were the first Europeans, and may be represented by this fellow. Later, M343, the real Cro-Magnon, appeared. It is a bit confusing whether Cro-Magnon is M173 or M343 or both.

The early genesis of the Caucasoid race involved a large injection of Asian genes from Mongolia, Siberia and East Turkestan. This occurred about 40-45,000 years and represents about 2/3 of the proto-Caucasian genetic line (Bowcock 1991). These proto-East Asians probably looked something like Aborigines or possibly Ainu. Modern NE Asians do not appear until about 9,000 years ago.

Before that, all Asians looked like Aborigines, Melanesians, or Ainus. As noted above, the modern European phenotype also only appears 10,000 years ago. So both modern Whites and modern East Asians only go back 10,000 years, to the Last Glacial Maximum. All humans had dark skin until 10,000 years ago. What birthed light skin? The glaciers."

Trump Supporters Heil Trump In Similiar Vein To Hitler

A Holocaust survivor and longtime watchdog of right-wing extremist groups said Donald Trump is playing a dangerous game by leading followers in a Nazi-style pledge.

Abraham Foxman, the former director of the Anti-Defamation League, harshly criticized the Republican presidential candidate for asking supporters to raise their right hands in salute and promise to vote for him in the Florida primary election, reported the Times of Israel.

“As a Jew who survived the Holocaust, to see an audience of thousands of people raising their hands in what looks like the ‘Heil Hitler’ salute is about as offensive, obnoxious and disgusting as anything I thought I would ever witness in the United States of America,” said Foxman, who was born in Poland in 1940 and was saved from the Nazis by his Catholic nanny.

He told the newspaper that the gesture’s symbolism was obvious and troubling.
“It is a fascist gesture,” Foxman said. “He is smart enough — he always tells us how smart he is — to know the images that this evokes. Instead of asking his audience to pledge allegiance to the United States of America, which in itself would be a little bizarre, he’s asking them to swear allegiance to him.”
The Nazi Party adopted the stiff-armed salute to signal obedience to leader Adolph Hitler, and it’s still used today by right-wing extremists.

“We’ve seen this sort of thing at rallies of neo-Nazis. We’ve seen it at rallies of white supremacists. But to see it at a rally for a legitimate candidate for the presidency of the United States is outrageous,” Foxman said.
Trump also warned supporters who took the pledge that “bad things” would happen to them if they broke their sworn pledge to vote for him — and Foxman was particularly disturbed by that.

“This is so over the top for a man who really doesn’t come out of the underground,” Foxman said. “He is a man of the world. Even though he proclaims he doesn’t know who David Duke was, or the other white supremacists, we know very well that he knows. So he’s playing to an image.”
Trump continues to lead the GOP presidential field despite — or possibly because of — a steady stream of outrageous and controversial remarks, and Foxman warned that this might have dangerously emboldened the real estate tycoon and reality TV star.

“I think he was intoxicated with all the things that he’s already got away with, and it led him to this,” Foxman said. “This is the summit of his own intoxication with what he perceives as his leadership quality.”

Trump’s underlying message of violence is “increasingly appealing” to his supporters, Foxman said, and threatens to “break all the taboos of civil behavior.”

“When he said, ‘I can walk down the street on Fifth Avenue and kill somebody and my supporters will not desert me,’ he knows exactly what buttons he’s pushing,” Foxman said. “Or when that guy interrupted his speech. People in that situation may think internally, ‘Oh, I want to punch him in the mouth.’ But you don’t say it, you don’t say it, because it’s not civilized. But he said it and it was applauded.”

Foxman, who led the ADL from 1987 until his retirement last year, said Saturday’s rally was an unprecedented moment in American political history.

“You can find some authoritarian, semi-fascist tinges in Southern politics during the segregationist era,” he said. “But there’s never been anything like this, and nothing on this scale.” rawstory

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Facebook Ad Advice

"A couple days a month I use Google and Amazon to search for types of products I'd never buy. Cowboy boots, airplane parts, bows and arrows, large colorful yard waste bins, stage makeup, etc. Whatever strikes my fancy. Five minutes of that, twice a month, and my FB ads get a lot more interesting. I believe the dogfighting term is "throwing up chaff."
- AH

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Kvelling For Bernie Sanders

“Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is already a historic figure. He is the first Jewish candidate to win delegates in a presidential primary or caucus – in fact, the first non-Christian presidential candidate to win a delegate." Bernie Sanders Made Jewish History, Yet No One Seems To Be Kvelling ☀

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Bernie Sanders on Reperations

“Perhaps when Sanders says that reparations would be divisive, he doesn’t mean that they would damage his campaign or the Democratic coalition by dividing its supporters––the plausible interpretation that Ta-Nehisi argued against in his critiques––but that it would divide Americans of different races against one another in a manner likely to cause more harm to vulnerable minority groups than good, or necessitate a divisive process of bureaucrats defining who qualifies as black. Maybe he was thinking that reparations poll dismally when their terms are undefined, and that hashing out specifics (I’m not sure if Ta-Nehisi wants Sanders to embrace the policies suggested by his 2014 article, or as popularly defined) would be divisive even among those on the left who favor reparations in the abstract." Why Bernie Sanders Is Right to Oppose Reparations ☀

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

President Obama on Gun Control

I applaud and support President Obama's stance and objectives and speech on gun control. No machine should ever be put above Human life nor give anybody a superior feeling of power. I say this as an FOID card holder and gun owner in IL.

I like Obama's quote on what former and late President Reagan said about gun control.

There are apx 88 guns for every 100 Americans in this country, we are well armed as it is. Too many needless deaths though, our gun culture is inferior compared to Japans, Canada's, Sweden, Israel and Switzerland.

An exception is that citizens in major city's that have gang activity and are not affiliated with any gangs and are in good standing, etc should be required to concealed carry guns at all times.