Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Freddie Grey Was Murdered

It's a simple fact: Freddie Grey was murdered by careless, agressive and in different police officers that are corrupt.

The Justice Dept and all Judges will alwayd acquit police officers, they are ineffective and useless pigshit.

The Clinton Delusion

"Dissent will not be tolerated. Protest will not be permitted. You will shut the hell up and get on the Clinton bus as it rolls towards a future slightly less terrifying than Trump nation and you will goddamn smile about it. "Bad Moon Rising ☀

Sanders and His Followers

What Sanders and his followers want are real politics, a programme for measurable change- a living wage, debt-free college, an end to private prisons. What Hillary’s people want is a Democrat in charge. Any Democrat. But the mood of the American people is populist, and the Democrats have decided that populism is not to be tolerated. There’s a chasm between the party and the people they claim to stand for, and it’s the kind of chasm that monsters emerge from. Bad Moon Rising 
☼   ☼  

John and Danny Testa of Hometown, Illinois

I misd you guys. I often think about you. I last saw you in 2000. I am ok, close to Oaklawn, IL. I remeber my Mom took you guys out and me to Chuck E. Cheeses and Pizza Plus, Arcades and such. I still am a hardcore video game fanatic, lol. Hope you guys are ok. - Rob K.

Black People, DNC Betrayed Bernie Sanders

The mind of Black culture sometimes has backward and incorrect thinking. An exampleof this is that Black people like Whoopi Goldberg and others thibk Bernie is part of the establishment when in fact he is not. It is the other way around

Hilary Clinton grew up in a rich Jewish suburb, Park Ridge, IL. She had money, yhe best healthcare and schools to attend. Even as a woman, she never had to face adversity or much discrimination.

She has amassed over  $200 Million during her life. It is obvious that she is negligent regarding security and national interests. She is indifferent to suffering. She is a hawk, a warmonger.

Bernie Sanders on the other hand is the complete opposite and anti establishment. He is very much like President Obama.

Democrats Always Prove Commies Right

The scorched-earth campaign waged against Sanders and his supporters by the Democratic establishment and its mouthpieces at Vox, the Daily Beast, the Washington Post, etc., is not merely to prevent a Sanders nomination. The point is to so tar Sanders supporters with slurs and empty accusations of bigotry as to ensure that they gain no appreciable influence within the party in the future. And the purpose of that is to reassure the donor class that all of the populist talk going on within the party is just that: talk, a way to try and revive the dormant enthusiasm of the 2008 election and secure the presidency. The attitude of career Democrats is that the left should simultaneously be subject to constant ridicule and marginalization, and yet should be expected to vote in lockstep along party lines with unerring fidelity. That’s the Democrat message to the left: “we get your votes; you get nothing.” And nothing is precisely what we have to show for it.Democrats always prove the commies right

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Knowing and Beleving

There is a difference between knowing and believing. We may know that the earth turns, but we believe, as we say, that the sun rises. We know by evidence, or by trust in people who have examined the evidence in a way that we trust is trustworthy. We may sometimes be persuaded to believe by reason, but within the welter of our experience reason is limited and weak. We believe always by coming, in some sense, to see. We believe in what is apparent, in what we can imagine or “picture” in our minds, in what we feel to be true, in what our hearts tell us, in experience, in stories— above all, perhaps, in stories. We can, to be sure, see parts and so believe in them. But there has always been a higher seeing that informs us that parts, in themselves, are of no worth. Genesis is right: “It is not good that the man should be alone.” The phrase “be alone” is a contradiction in terms. A brain alone is a dead brain. A man alone is a dead man. We are thus as likely to be wrong in what we know as in what we believe. Wendell Berry 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Black Lives Matter

Well, there will never, ever be peace without justice. There will never be calmness without accountability. There will never be order without fairness. So when I hear the authorities call for peace and call for calmness and call for order, I say, yes, but it’s not the absence of tension. It’s got to be the presence of that justice and accountability and that fairness. When I hear the authorities – even President Obama says, well, the attack on the police is an attack on all of us. I said, OK, but an attack on black people, especially black youth, is also attack on all of us. If, in fact, the attack on the police is an assault on all of us, then when the police unfairly maims and murders civilians, the police is killing on behalf of all of us. Well, I don’t want the police killing on behalf of me. I want the police to be treated with respect and fairly, and I want black youth and brown youth, black men and black women to be treated fairly. Cornel West 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Nice, France Victims

May the victims RIP.

Nice, France Killer

Each bullet from the police that hit the psycho driver mass murderer in Nice, France hit him with the force of a solid wooden baseball bat swinging at 100mph. That shitfuck asshole ate lead.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Do Not Hire Officer Jeronimo Yanez

He is a cold blooded murderer that shot civilian Philando Castile dead. This officer is prone to over reactions, racism, intense fear, poor decision making skills, intense anger and is only concerned with their own safety. This officer displays no remorse and has not publicly apologized. He is partly responsible for the deaths of the 5 Dallas police officers.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Philando Castile

Officer pig #JeronimoYanez killed civilian PhilandoCastile for no reason other then fear and racial profiling, overreaction and hatred.The

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Kim Lacapria: Snopes Icon, Internet Hero, Myth Buster

Beautiful. Smart too. Great researcher and journalist as well. These are only a few words that describe Kim Lacapria (Stalker free zone here btw) that is doing such a great job while Dave and Barbra M. get som much needed finger rest while they travel Europe and the world and do Bigfoot research.

Hillary Clinton, FBI and Careless Emails

SOS Clinton's handlng of confidential to top secret information is very troubling and disconcerning. As someone in computer security this shows that even top people need better training in computer security. She did a no no by using mobile devices with top secret info in hostile territory's.

Clinton is on par with Nixon as far as I'm concerned. I have no faith in the Justice Dept and they will def. take the FBI's recommendation not to prosecute her.

She has too many connections in Washington, ia well protected by lawyers and in her followers eyes can do no wrong.