"From somebody who appreciates what the police do for us. Yes, there are bad ones. But many more good ones. I wouldn't want to live in a world without them. They have walked into my house, took a love one from my arms and that hurt like hell. But they were doing their job. I didn't cuss them. Hate them. I thanked them for being so kind to me, a mother with a broken heart. So pooh-pooh me all you want to. My heart goes out to the families. God bless the cops who lost their life.
" Friend and author Joy Redmond via Facebook
The Angry Liberal is a blog that is pro Democrat and Liberal, Pro President Obama and his Administration and is dedicated to supporting and telling the truth about the Democratic Party, President Obama and what they stand for as well as Liberals too.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Norrh Korea is pigshit, so are hackers
Just some Aspie thoughts.
Oh great, wise pigshit North Korean leader pig.
Oh great, wise pigshit North Korean leader pig.
North Morea,
The Interview
President Obama and Cuba Quote
"Ah, Republicans . . . you hate this whole renewal of diplomatic relations with Cuba, because, well, we all know how much you cherish the freedoms we enjoy here (except, ya know, contraception . . . and abortion . . . oh, and religion) - but anyway, can I just point out the hypocrisy of this position, considering that Republican aides (including presidential hopeful Rubio's aide) took all-expense-paid trips to China this summer . . . ? I'm thinking nobody is gonna look to China as a bastion of civil liberties - except maybe Republicans, right now, as they attempt to justify their motherfucking hypocrisy . . . .
" Friend Julie Kindal Driscoll via Facebook
" Friend Julie Kindal Driscoll via Facebook
"In an era in which American freedoms are being dismantled and American movies are being cancelled, primarily to appease terrorists, then it's probably safe to say that we are letting the terrorists win.
America will be restored again on the day when we can overcome our absurd fears and take an airplane to Los Angeles, without being sexually assaulted at the airport, to watch a premiere of The Interview in theaters." Barry Delgado via Facebook
America will be restored again on the day when we can overcome our absurd fears and take an airplane to Los Angeles, without being sexually assaulted at the airport, to watch a premiere of The Interview in theaters." Barry Delgado via Facebook
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
I am an Aspie Like Adam Lanza
Yes they should be. I myself have Aspergers Syndrome btw. I am an Aspie. Actor Dan Akroyd also has mild Aspergers and so do many other people including President Obama, John Elder Robinson and Dr. Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory. Others like Hitler and Lee Harvey Oswald may have had it. It can cause LD's and mental illnesses in some people. Also very sad that in the confusion of the Sandy Hook shootings that many conspiracy's arose out of conjecture and gin nuts with mental illness themselves. Anything to defend 14th Century projectile weapons I guess (guns) Sigh.
.. Rob
.. Rob
sandy Hook Mom's Letter to "The Mom I Used To Be"
"You view life through the prism of “before” and “after.” Jake’s fifth grade photos came recently. They are still sitting on a table because you haven’t put them in the frame that sits next to Dylan’s last school photo. It’s too hard for you — too soon. Jake is getting older. But Dylan is frozen in time forever. Even after two years, there’s this denial that is still very present inside you. You have Dylan’s baby teeth and a lock of his hair on your bedside cabinet, beside the urn holding his ashes. That’s all you have of your little boy now. It hurts. It just hurts. You suppress your feelings as much as you can because you fear if you really let it out, you would never recover. If you started truly crying, you would never be able to stop. It would destroy you. And here’s the thing — you didn’t have to be that Mom. For all the Moms and Dads reading this now — this doesn’t have to be you. Because every gun-related death is a preventable death." Mom's Letter via azspotnet
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Sandy Hook 2nd Anniversy
“I wonder if we’ve lost the plot if we use religion as the place where we escape from the difficult realities of our lives instead of as the place where those difficult realities are given meaning. Of course, there are many ways of pretending shit ain’t broke in ourselves and in the world, but escapist religion is a classic option since at church we have endless opportunities to pretend everything is fine. But when we find ourselves in a world where we see up-to-the-minute images of human suffering, we simply cannot afford any more fucking sentimentality in Christianity. Not one more soft-focus photo of a dove flying in front of a waterfall with an inspirational verse on a coffee cup, not one more over-produced recording of earnest praise music, not one more Thomas Kincaide painting. I don’t think Jesus would abide this ignoring of reality in favor of emotional idealism and I know for sure we cannot afford it. Not when we live in a world where suffering is as real as it was when Jesus was born and people are longing for something to help make sense of their suffering. Sentimental images of Santa kneeling at a manger are not helping us make sense of the world as it actually exists." The Slaughter of the Innocents of Sandy Hook ☀
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Torture and War Crimes
“Because of the bias in our debates in favor of hard-line policies, preventive war and torture not only become acceptable “options” worth considering, but they have often been treated as possessing the quality–seriousness–that they most lack. The belief that a government is entitled to invade a foreign country and destroy its government on the off chance that the latter might one day pose a threat is an outstanding example of something that is morally unserious. That is, it reveals the absence or the rejection of careful moral reasoning. Likewise, believing that a government should ever be allowed to torture people is the opposite of what comes from serious moral reflection. These so-called “serious” policies are driven by passions and knee-jerk responses and lead to horrible crimes and abuses of power, and that is why they should be condemned and rejected from the start." Torture and “Seriousness
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Wagging The Dog
"Wagging the dog is so easy in America. I expect the same thing to happen in 2016:
1) Make sure the Democratic candidate is pro-war, pro-spying, and pro-corporate welfare. Ask them to make extremely liberal speeches, and even pretend not to be as stated above.
2) Make an inflammatory frivolous campaign against him or her. Be intentionally racist if the candidate is black, sexist, if a woman. Make fun of everything. Create straw man arguments (like question their citizenship, or religious affiliation). Attack their mother.
3) Watch otherwise liberal individuals flock to that Democrat's defense, not because they agree with their policies, but because he is being brutally and unfairly attacked.
4) Sit back and enjoy the results: More war, broad based investigation of every citizen without judicial oversight, and big fat corporate kick backs on policies that only benefit corporations and not the American public (i.e. drone wars, or shifting the profits from doctors to health insurance companies).
See, a lot easier than attempting to push a conservative candidate through the election system on a Republican ticket where they belong!
So go ahead and support Obomba and continue supporting the Turncoatcrat Democrats in 2016. And best of all, keep falling for those "Conservative" warmonger tricks. Boy do they love making you think that they are sincere, as you keep blindly doing their bidding... After all, a REAL liberal in power could ruin EVERYTHING they've built up since Reagan, and if the military cash cow were to run dry, and the money were to go to public works and social projects, now that would leave a lot of their friends looking for legitimate work..." Friend Sam via facebook
1) Make sure the Democratic candidate is pro-war, pro-spying, and pro-corporate welfare. Ask them to make extremely liberal speeches, and even pretend not to be as stated above.
2) Make an inflammatory frivolous campaign against him or her. Be intentionally racist if the candidate is black, sexist, if a woman. Make fun of everything. Create straw man arguments (like question their citizenship, or religious affiliation). Attack their mother.
3) Watch otherwise liberal individuals flock to that Democrat's defense, not because they agree with their policies, but because he is being brutally and unfairly attacked.
4) Sit back and enjoy the results: More war, broad based investigation of every citizen without judicial oversight, and big fat corporate kick backs on policies that only benefit corporations and not the American public (i.e. drone wars, or shifting the profits from doctors to health insurance companies).
See, a lot easier than attempting to push a conservative candidate through the election system on a Republican ticket where they belong!
So go ahead and support Obomba and continue supporting the Turncoatcrat Democrats in 2016. And best of all, keep falling for those "Conservative" warmonger tricks. Boy do they love making you think that they are sincere, as you keep blindly doing their bidding... After all, a REAL liberal in power could ruin EVERYTHING they've built up since Reagan, and if the military cash cow were to run dry, and the money were to go to public works and social projects, now that would leave a lot of their friends looking for legitimate work..." Friend Sam via facebook
Friday, December 5, 2014
MLK Jr. On Riots
A very important read:
MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.’S PERSPECTIVE on rioting and social unrest in the 60s:
“Now I wanted to say something about the fact that we have lived over these last two or three summers with agony and we have seen our cities going up in flames. And I would be the first to say that I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the problem from a direct action point of view. I’m absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt. And I feel that we must always work with an effective, powerful weapon and method that brings about tangible results. But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.”
MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.’S PERSPECTIVE on rioting and social unrest in the 60s:
“Now I wanted to say something about the fact that we have lived over these last two or three summers with agony and we have seen our cities going up in flames. And I would be the first to say that I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the problem from a direct action point of view. I’m absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt. And I feel that we must always work with an effective, powerful weapon and method that brings about tangible results. But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.”
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Ferguson, MO - Things Will Get Better
"Don't let one person's hate be your reason for giving up, or losing faith, or even having to do anything other than believe things will get better. I lived in a small Mississippi town as a child during the Civil Rights era. Things got better. I lived through the LA Riots as a person in my 20s post Rodney King. Things got better. I've seen the gruesome crime scene where Matthew Shephard was sacrificed for intolerance. Things got better. I couldn't get health care in my 40s because of a "pre-existing condition" for ten years. Things got better. I hear and read and see hatred and ignorance everywhere, but...? Things WILL get better. The more an ignorant person rants, the more the non-violent majority will consolidate into peace and progress.Things do get better.
" Friend Dave via Facebook
" Friend Dave via Facebook
civil rights,
grand jury,
Michael Brown,
officer Wilson,
Monday, November 24, 2014
President Obama on Ferguson, MO Verdict
"We are a nation built on the rule of law, so we need to accept that this decision was the grand jury's to make." -President Obama on Ferguson, MO grand jury decision on officer Wilson
grand jury,
Michael Brown,
officer Wilson,
Sunday, November 23, 2014
52nd Anniversh of President John Kennedy's Death
A great book to read are JFK's book Profiles In Courage and author and historian William Manchester's boom Death of a President November 1963.
Immigration Assumptions And Omissions
"1.I don’t believe Americans grasp how racist the origins of immigration law truly is. For nearly the first entire half of the nation’s history, there were not any relevant immigration restrictions — if you were of the “right” race (white) and “right” religion (Protestant Christian). There literally was no issue with Waspish folk coming and going. The first immigration restrictions were levied against Chinese migrants and those of Southern European (and Irish, who shared the “wrong” religion, Catholicism). It also coincided with pogroms and mob violence against such groups that were viewed as poisonous intruders. So when anti-immigration lobbyists trumpet this “rule of law”, they’re really resting on an ugly legacy.
2.Even today, while we’ve shed most of that ugliness, there still remains great injustice in immigration law. For certain countries of origin (Cuba), if you plant your feet on US soil, you’re automatically legal. Not so for all the other Latin American nations, most of which features governments of a far more oppressive nature. Or if you can throw a baseball, brandish a hockey stick, or shoot a basketball exceptionally well, you’re in. Or if you’re blessed with abundant wealth. I concede, that for many Americans, this framework of immigration law is a natural democratic consensus on who is worthy to enter, but to a Jesus follower, it is backwards to the truth of the Gospel.
3.An oft-repeated argument against more open immigration is one of economics — that the costs of adding people is staggering and would be a drain on the nation’s coffers, and especially detrimental to lower and middle class workers. But this is a vivid illustration of faulty zero sum economic thinking — that there’s a static economic pie, and more folks carving out slices means less for all. Truth is, the economics are much more dynamic — vibrant immigration means more economic activity (growing the pie), greater velocity of money (multiplying the pie), and a larger pool from which creativity and innovation can arise. In fact, it’s a large part on how America attained greatness. And today, in the US (as well as other western nations), we have a growing imbalance in the ratio of younger workers to older retirees. Wouldn’t more open immigration be a natural sensible treatment?
4.It is pointed out that America already has the most generous immigration policy in the world. This is true, but I am disturbed that this trope is brandished against meaningful reform. That because the US is better than most (or all) other countries, we need to do nothing (or focus on punitive measures). But that would be like nations in the 19C refusing to abolish slavery (or apply any other social justice remedy) because we’re more humane than those other countries already in how we treat slaves, the downtrodden, etc.
5.Capital, money, electronic bits can move freely across political borders in the 21C. Why should human beings be treated less than? The human right to migration should be as fundamental as the right to freedom of expression and freedom from discrimination on grounds of gender, race, religion, or sexuality."
Via azspot.net
Gun Control - Guns Need Licensure, Registration
"What can I assume from this text? One, that man is up to no good, since he is breaking the law. Two, that the law obiding citizens in that library are not packing, the librarian isn't either. If the man goes on a rampage, nothing short of a ninja can stop him. He can approach each person, and shoot their cranium at point blank range.
This isn't learned helplessness. This is enforced helplessness.
Carrying guns, with proper licensure and strict guidelines for such license (both shooting and legal aptitude) should be the norm. Gun control has NEVER stopped a criminal from obtaining a weapon and using it. Enforced helplessness is a violation of our right to protect ourselves. 911 emergency police are too far away, and we cannot rely on every public venue to have an armed guard.
Strawman argument: More guns = more shootings. Reality: In every police station in the country, almost everyone is armed. Or with a gun in their desk. Heard about that police station where a mad shooter went from desk to desk shooting everyone? Me neither. And the US police aren't known to be nonviolent or with very good restraint, statistically.
Open carry with proper and strict licensure with frequent renewal Requirements is the only solution." Mu friend Sam via Facebook on gun control
Guns need licensure, registration, more smartgun technology, limits on buying ammo and legal exams and universal background checks for all gun buyers, etc.
This isn't learned helplessness. This is enforced helplessness.
Carrying guns, with proper licensure and strict guidelines for such license (both shooting and legal aptitude) should be the norm. Gun control has NEVER stopped a criminal from obtaining a weapon and using it. Enforced helplessness is a violation of our right to protect ourselves. 911 emergency police are too far away, and we cannot rely on every public venue to have an armed guard.
Strawman argument: More guns = more shootings. Reality: In every police station in the country, almost everyone is armed. Or with a gun in their desk. Heard about that police station where a mad shooter went from desk to desk shooting everyone? Me neither. And the US police aren't known to be nonviolent or with very good restraint, statistically.
Open carry with proper and strict licensure with frequent renewal Requirements is the only solution." Mu friend Sam via Facebook on gun control
Guns need licensure, registration, more smartgun technology, limits on buying ammo and legal exams and universal background checks for all gun buyers, etc.
JFK Quote
"Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" President Kennedy
The Right Wing is the Anti-Christ
There, I finally said it.
If President Obama Were A White Man... On Immigration
If President Obama were white and had been playing on a level field, Congress would have passed immigration reform long ago. For now we can just hope that the hatred by the Republican Party for our first black president doesn’t drive us to the brink of ruin—again—as they shut down our government and/or try to undermine healthcare reform, all just to get even with the black man they swore to destroy. Meanwhile President Obama is managing to govern anyway, even if only through executive orders, pushed to govern by extreme means by his extremist and irrational opponents. And his action seems more in keeping with the spirit of Thanksgiving than the bitter opposition to welcoming the stranger in our midst is" Frank Schaffer Also we are a nation of immigrants." Frank Schaffer
We all have ancestors that either came from Europe, Africa, the UK, Australia, Russia, the Middle East, China, Japan, Italy, Mexico, South America,etc
We all have ancestors that either came from Europe, Africa, the UK, Australia, Russia, the Middle East, China, Japan, Italy, Mexico, South America,etc
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Thoughts On Obama, Immigration
"Well played, President Obama . . . despite the haters, this imminent executive order, which essentially expands the program for Dreamers, extends to millions of undocumented immigrants, but has no path to citizenship, is a temporary fix - despite Republican outcries and rending of garments and gnashing of teeth, it's not a contradiction: What he said in the past was that he could not pass amnesty to 11 million undocumented immigrants and provide a path to citizenship on his own. But he is, legally, doing what he can, while Republican congress critters (who had a chance to pass a bill on immigration, and refused to) sit on their asses, tear his plans apart, and continue to kick back and do abso-fucking-lutely nothing . . .
"-Friend Julie via Facebook
p.s. "Mass amnesty would be unfair. Mass deportation would be both impossible and contrary to our character. What I’m describing is accountability – a commonsense, middle ground approach: If you meet the criteria, you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. If you’re a criminal, you’ll be deported. If you plan to enter the U.S. illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up."
"-Friend Julie via Facebook
p.s. "Mass amnesty would be unfair. Mass deportation would be both impossible and contrary to our character. What I’m describing is accountability – a commonsense, middle ground approach: If you meet the criteria, you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. If you’re a criminal, you’ll be deported. If you plan to enter the U.S. illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up."
Monday, November 17, 2014
Dallas in 1963..
The anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination is upon us; I wanted to post this quote from William Manchester's book "Death of a President November 1963" from book 1, chapter 4 "Volunteer" page 288:
"there were complaints that the city (Dallas, Big D) was being victimized, that left wing Eastern liberals and intellectuals were ganging up on Dallas conservatism. There was no remorse among the city's rightists on the afternoon of November 22. At 3:05 P.M., when 80 percent of the American people were in deep grief, an NBC camera panned toward a group of spectators outside Parkland's emergency response entrance and picked up a young man with a placard that read "YANKEE GO HOME" Barefoot Sanders was astounded to learn that although next day's Harvard-Yale game had been called off, interrupting the oldest football rivalry in the country, most Dallas County high schools were going ahead with plans to play under lights that Friday evening. When Warren Harding arrives home, a child who lived in his block said "I'm sorry your President died." Harding didn't know what to say. He puckered and then replied. "Son, he was your President, too. He was everybody's President." The child then shook his head. "He wasn't ours," he said. "My Mom and Daddy didn't vote for him. He didn't mean anything to us."
On a side note, some people accused the Kennedy's of thinking of themselves as royalty, much parallel to the Obama family today and right wing accusations, slander and complaints.
"there were complaints that the city (Dallas, Big D) was being victimized, that left wing Eastern liberals and intellectuals were ganging up on Dallas conservatism. There was no remorse among the city's rightists on the afternoon of November 22. At 3:05 P.M., when 80 percent of the American people were in deep grief, an NBC camera panned toward a group of spectators outside Parkland's emergency response entrance and picked up a young man with a placard that read "YANKEE GO HOME" Barefoot Sanders was astounded to learn that although next day's Harvard-Yale game had been called off, interrupting the oldest football rivalry in the country, most Dallas County high schools were going ahead with plans to play under lights that Friday evening. When Warren Harding arrives home, a child who lived in his block said "I'm sorry your President died." Harding didn't know what to say. He puckered and then replied. "Son, he was your President, too. He was everybody's President." The child then shook his head. "He wasn't ours," he said. "My Mom and Daddy didn't vote for him. He didn't mean anything to us."
On a side note, some people accused the Kennedy's of thinking of themselves as royalty, much parallel to the Obama family today and right wing accusations, slander and complaints.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Bill Cinton Joke
"When Clinton was sworn in, the house dept kept a new cook. Somehow his cooking did not match Clintons taste. One day he threw a lunch for a visiting dignatory. After having a few bites Clinton felt rumblings in his stomach. He excused himself and rushed towards his study clutching his tummy and fell flat on the sofa. Hearing the noise , Monica Lewinsky came to the study and asked , " How can I help you , Mr President ". Bill Clinton now in extreme pain said with great difficulty in almost a whisper ,"Sack the cook ". Rest is all history." - as told by Brij Mohan C via friend Sam on Facebook lol
Bill Clinton,
Monica Lewinsky,
social media
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Some Thoughts on the 2014 Election
“I would be remiss in not pointing out one of the key dynamics that has been at play for some years, and really became a significant factor last night: Our failure to take right-wing extremism seriously. The American right has been growing increasingly radicalized by the extremist rhetoric, nearly all of it originating with the racist/extremist right, that has become pervasive in mainstream discourse over the past generation. The Tea Party, frankly, is now indistinguishable from the militia movement of the 1990s. And the mainstream press continues to treat this radicalization as normative politics — in large part because liberals do not make it an issue. When Joni Ernst can advocate Agenda 21 conspiracy theories and radical anti-abortion positions and still be treated like a normal politician, we share in that blame." Some Thoughts on the 2014 Election ☀ via azspot.net
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
Election Day
"The bottom line is that our democracy has become so hollowed out and most people so alienated that what we’re watching is simply a street fight between factions in the country’s power elite. For some it has entertainment value, but it’s not even an interesting matchup any more. The hard right libertarian faction has been wiping the floor with a weak opponent, a feckless, dispirited remnant of the old liberal managerial elite, which loses ground with every passing decade, even if it seems to win a round now and then as it did in 2008.
We’re seeing again the continuation of a pattern in place since 1980 in which the hard right obtains power, then aggressively rigs things in its favor, pisses everybody off, gets voted out, and then consolidates its gains while obstructing the Democrats until it gets back in power again. Which it does inevitably because everybody is frustrated with the obstructed Democrats inability to get anything done. The American people apparently don’t pay attention enough or care enough to break this pattern. The hope of Democrats that they have a long-term demographic advantage is ridiculous so long as they continue to be a party that nobody could be bothered to vote for.
The idea of giving the Republicans any kind of serious responsibility is crazy because its leaders are captured by an Ayn Randian ideology that makes them crazy. At least the old liberal managerial elite had some sense of the common good, even if their technocratic attempts to achieve it were often misguided"... -Election Day
We’re seeing again the continuation of a pattern in place since 1980 in which the hard right obtains power, then aggressively rigs things in its favor, pisses everybody off, gets voted out, and then consolidates its gains while obstructing the Democrats until it gets back in power again. Which it does inevitably because everybody is frustrated with the obstructed Democrats inability to get anything done. The American people apparently don’t pay attention enough or care enough to break this pattern. The hope of Democrats that they have a long-term demographic advantage is ridiculous so long as they continue to be a party that nobody could be bothered to vote for.
The idea of giving the Republicans any kind of serious responsibility is crazy because its leaders are captured by an Ayn Randian ideology that makes them crazy. At least the old liberal managerial elite had some sense of the common good, even if their technocratic attempts to achieve it were often misguided"... -Election Day
Conservative Thinking, Values, Morals, Ethics
"Conservatives, on the other hand, have a very different view of democracy. For them democracy is supposed to provide them with the liberty to do what they want, without being responsible for others and without others being responsible for them. For them, there is only personal responsibility, not social responsibility. Indeed, providing public resources is, to a conservative, immoral, taking away personal responsibility, making people dependent, lazy, unable to take care of themselves. Removing public resources is seen as providing incentives, and individual liberty is seen as the condition in which you can carry out your incentives." -George Lakoff,
Another Political Quote
“In 1956, I shall not go to the polls. I have not registered. I believe that democracy has so far disappeared in the United States that no “two evils” exist. There is but one evil party with two names, and it will be elected despite all I can do or say. There is no third party. On the Presidential ballot in a few states (seventeen in 1952), a “Socialist” Party will appear. Few will hear its appeal because it will have almost no opportunity to take part in the campaign and explain its platform. If a voter organizes or advocates a real third-party movement, he may be accused of seeking to overthrow this government by “force and violence.” Anything he advocates by way of significant reform will be called “Communist” and will of necessity be Communist in the sense that it must advocate such things as government ownership of the means of production; government in business; the limitation of private profit; social medicine, government housing and federal aid to education; the total abolition of race bias; and the welfare state. These things are on every Communist program; these things are the aim of socialism. Any American who advocates them today, no matter how sincerely, stands in danger of losing his job, surrendering his social status and perhaps landing in jail. The witnesses against him may be liars or insane or criminals. These witnesses need give no proof for their charges and may not even be known or appear in person. They may be in the pay of the United States Government. A.D.A.’s and “Liberals” are not third parties; they seek to act as tails to kites. But since the kites are self-propelled and radar-controlled, tails are quite superfluous and rather silly." W.E.B. DuBois ☀
Republican Ideology and Values Suck
“When Americans look at real issues—even in this era of dissatisfaction and distraction—they display little interest in Republican-style solutions. The most obvious examples in this election are the referendum ballots on the minimum wage, which passed by 2-1 margins both in deep-red states such as Arkansas and in suddenly purplish places such as Illinois, which elected a Republican governor. In Alaska, South Dakota and Nebraska, where Republican candidates romped at every level, voters passed state minimum wage increases by wide margins." Beneath the Republican Wave, Voters Still Reject Right-Wing Ideology ☀
Friday, November 7, 2014
Obama is a Right Wing President
Obama is a Right Wing President. That is all. He is a Reaganite, and to the right of Reagan, but somewhat to the left of the Tea Party, which puts him in spitting distance of Atilla the Hun (his record on civil liberties is, according to the ACLU, substantially worse than George W. Bush’s. He deported more Hispanics than George Bush ever did, etc…) Obama had plenty of power to make more of a difference than he did, and he chose not to. In the small things, in the big things, when it came to economic policies and to non identity based civil liberties, he virtually always did the right wing thing.
Obama is the first President in post-war history (and maybe all of history) whose economy gave more money to the top 10% than the entire value of all productivity gains in his Presidency. Even George W. Bush didn’t manage that.
Obama is the first President in post-war history (and maybe all of history) whose economy gave more money to the top 10% than the entire value of all productivity gains in his Presidency. Even George W. Bush didn’t manage that.
Cons and Libs
“Progressive and conservatives have very different understandings of democracy. For progressives empathy is at the center of the very idea of democracy. Democracy is a governing system in which citizens care about their fellow citizens and work through their government to provide public resources for all. In short, in a democracy, the private depends on the public." Democratic Strategies Lost Big. Here’s an Alternative ☀
Political Fears Quote
"If Im ever rich, I intend to open up a restaurant called The Scarecrow. In it, all dishes will be named after various political distractors designed to scare and shepherd the American public. So if anyone is interested, you may preorder an ISIS bbq steak with a side of Ebola fries and any Benghazi can of soda for just $5.99." - Friend Sam T. via Facebook
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Manifest Destiny Is Unbiblical, Unjust
“Manifest Destiny became a commonly held ideology in the early 19th century and was the belief that the United States had a God-given right to aggressively spread values of white civilization across the land mass of the North American continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. It wreaked havoc on creation and entire communities of indigenous Americans including the Five Civilized Tribes, who were forcibly removed or annihilated based on the assumption that they were an impediment to God’s purposes being realized. Manifest Destiny justified the conquering of the indigenous peoples of Texas, New Mexico, California, and other parts of the Southwest; and the inclusion of the Oregon territory in the United States. Christians must confess the many ways we have contributed to this tragic history by acknowledging and repenting of our sins. We need to repent of our attitudes about the divine right of conquest, white supremacy, ethnic superiority, Manifest Destiny, the pursuit of wealth, and the brutalization, domination, and murder of thousands of Native people who have lived before us." Mae Elise Cannon ☀
America Is Not A Christian Nation
“Instead of preaching a gospel of self-sacrifice and generosity, right-wing Christians support the mega-wealthy who yearn to stifle democracy and move us further toward plutocracy: Keep the riffraff from voting. Keep alternative views out. Live in the bubble of like-minded people, not the marketplace of ideas and diversity where Jesus lived. Instead of proclaiming confidence in God’s care, they push fear: fear of immigrants, fear of the dark-skinned, fear of Islam, fear of Ebola, fear of education, fear of honesty, fear of the poor, fear of gays and lesbians, fear of women, fear of the gospel that Jesus actually proclaimed. America Isn’t a ‘Christian Nation,’ via Never Has Been ☀ via azspot.net
civil rights,
Right Wing,
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
If I was President of The USA
If I was President of the U.S...
I would: Impose a tax on people whom marry those with criminal records (major ones)
Impose a tax on women that have kids with multiple fathers
Taxes on those who have kids out of wedlock
All government assistance would be ineligible to pedophiles, child, elder, animal and domestic abusers, criminals, anti Americans and terrorists
Healthcare would be Medicare for all, no co pays or premiums
Guns would be heavily taxed, ammo too, requiring gun licensure and universal background checks, plus insurance and registration. Assault and military style weapons would be banned
Gay marriage would be legal in all U.S. States and territory's
Social welfare and government assistance would be expanded and increased
More jobs would be created
Would ask wealthy Americans to help pay off our national debt, corporations too
Church's would pay taxes but only 2% at most
Would improve govco agencies such as USPS, NASA, FDA, CDC, FBI, CIA, NSA, FCC, etc
Would promote more tolerance for gays, atheists, Muslims, etc
Marijuana would be legal in all states and territory's
Police and EMS/fire better trained and funded nationally
Improve foreign relations and UN. Standing
Decrease funding to Israel and Egypt but will still support them
Improve relations with Russia, European States, China and The Middle East
Support women's rights, civil rights too
Dog and animal cruelty would be punishable by death, child and elder cruelty as well
Make NRA members register for the seletive service i.e. Military and all right wing militias too
Anti Americans spied on would be ok, brought in for questioning and detained if need be
Would tax oil companies tenfold and lower gas prices as well
Taskforces to improve government corruption and city's like Chicago and Detroit plus ones in Indiana, etc
More international aid to 3rd world areas and countries
Schools better funded esp. in poor areas and neighborhoods
Teachers can be armed with handguns
NRA would be taxed and asked to help in national, international security measures
Old age homes would get funding and required training for better conditions
More homeless shelters and nationally funded food pantries
Better public transportation and roads
Major overhaul of mental healthcare system
Focus on medical, technological, science and space research
Animal, gay, atheist, Muslim and homeless plus immigrant rights, focus on
Taskforce to eliminate political corruption
Continued war on terror, aid to Allies
More will be added here in another post like this in the future
I would: Impose a tax on people whom marry those with criminal records (major ones)
Impose a tax on women that have kids with multiple fathers
Taxes on those who have kids out of wedlock
All government assistance would be ineligible to pedophiles, child, elder, animal and domestic abusers, criminals, anti Americans and terrorists
Healthcare would be Medicare for all, no co pays or premiums
Guns would be heavily taxed, ammo too, requiring gun licensure and universal background checks, plus insurance and registration. Assault and military style weapons would be banned
Gay marriage would be legal in all U.S. States and territory's
Social welfare and government assistance would be expanded and increased
More jobs would be created
Would ask wealthy Americans to help pay off our national debt, corporations too
Church's would pay taxes but only 2% at most
Would improve govco agencies such as USPS, NASA, FDA, CDC, FBI, CIA, NSA, FCC, etc
Would promote more tolerance for gays, atheists, Muslims, etc
Marijuana would be legal in all states and territory's
Police and EMS/fire better trained and funded nationally
Improve foreign relations and UN. Standing
Decrease funding to Israel and Egypt but will still support them
Improve relations with Russia, European States, China and The Middle East
Support women's rights, civil rights too
Dog and animal cruelty would be punishable by death, child and elder cruelty as well
Make NRA members register for the seletive service i.e. Military and all right wing militias too
Anti Americans spied on would be ok, brought in for questioning and detained if need be
Would tax oil companies tenfold and lower gas prices as well
Taskforces to improve government corruption and city's like Chicago and Detroit plus ones in Indiana, etc
More international aid to 3rd world areas and countries
Schools better funded esp. in poor areas and neighborhoods
Teachers can be armed with handguns
NRA would be taxed and asked to help in national, international security measures
Old age homes would get funding and required training for better conditions
More homeless shelters and nationally funded food pantries
Better public transportation and roads
Major overhaul of mental healthcare system
Focus on medical, technological, science and space research
Animal, gay, atheist, Muslim and homeless plus immigrant rights, focus on
Taskforce to eliminate political corruption
Continued war on terror, aid to Allies
More will be added here in another post like this in the future
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Right Wing Fallacies
So many right wingers claim snopes.com news items are not true when in fact they are, thoroughly researched by an educated couple that are not even registered Democrats nor liberals. Plus with sources provided. This also reminds me (see article Obama Is A Republican, from The New American Conservative, I think) of claims of (non existent) voter fraud in the last two elections even though President Obama won fair and square through grassroots movements and large numbers of minority voter turnout (hell GWB never even contested giving the Presidency to Obama, unlike he did with Al Gore back in 2000).
Al Gore,
New American Conservative,
President Obama,
Right Wing,
Tea Party,
White House
Thursday, October 23, 2014
azspot.net Quote on President Obama
“I don’t expect any conservatives to recognize the truth of Obama’s fundamental conservatism for at least a couple of decades—perhaps only after a real progressive presidency. In any case, today they are too invested in painting him as the devil incarnate in order to frighten grassroots Republicans into voting to keep Obama from confiscating all their guns, throwing them into FEMA re-education camps, and other nonsense that is believed by many Republicans. But just as they eventually came to appreciate Bill Clinton’s core conservatism, Republicans will someday see that Obama was no less conservative."-Bruce Bartlett ☀
via azspot.net
via azspot.net
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